Sins of a lover

Leo calmly through everything through and asked: Asuna, do they have Asuna?

Child smiling replied: Yes and no everything depends on you.

Leo: How?

Child: When we sent the tribunal, we made one thing certain for the lesser gods to think you were already dead. We, after all, broke your very soul. But the reality we did something entirely different. We using the tribunal to not only destroy the seals but also world laws enforced and binding upon you, which in simple words you can understand it as erase each timeline you were in from the moment you started to change them except for the world of SAO in which using death's shroud of invisibility which was gifted to you we hide and stopped the world itself before the entirety of the world can be erased.

Leo: You said before the entirety of the world can be erased what does that mean?

Child: Time, time started erasing itself from the movement you left the world. We managed to stop it somewhere around the time you were still in SAO.

Leo: Does that mean I can be with Asuna again?

Child: That's what I mean it depends on you. If you right now chose to give up your journey and let your already degrading soul be destroyed you can be at peace or you can also choose to go and fight everyone, turn all the worlds you have already visited, the worlds you are going to visit upside down. Accumulate enough power to start your journey onto the path of godhood and inheritance of God of Destruction.

Leo: If I chose first what will happen to Asuna?

Child: Nothing, the world of SAO you were in is one of the billion copies of SAO in all reality. It will be erased and nothing will change.

Leo: How can I trust any of you?

Death: Why do we need your trust? Do whatever you want.

Leo thought hard and long before answering: Okay 2nd choice for now.

Giant/Void waved his hands and 3 bodies fell on the floor. They looked Identical to Leo except for Naruto who had yellow hair and naruto kind look from the series.

The child continued: These are the only powers that were saved. With world law not binding upon you the powers you have collected are also gone. Hope will stay with you but now you won't have world seed in it until the time you have powerful enough soul which can recreate it. To strengthen your soul you will need to go onto the path of cultivation. We have discussed among ourselves and think the best thing you can do right now is gone and get yourself a suitable weapon that can fight against a lesser god at least. The world you're going to is named Bleach in your human world. Your powers which were in these bodies are already there but are preserved, you will need to revisit each world to connect with your powers like Naruto world you will restart your journey at the age of 3 when you first woke up the only difference will be your body would have all the powers it has when you left it such as complete genetic modification of all the bloodlines, 5 god tree powered Kurama and such. Your knowledge will also be preserved.

Leo hearing this was confusing and started thinking of those MC who from the very beginning of the story get OPist person in the world and then go on to play with everyone while face slapping everyone and conquering everyone even rock if they are shaped like a girl.

Child: Oh yes, you would also be able to bring your body into the next world and combine both their power once you reach the apex power of the secondary world. Meaning if you're at the top of the food chain in Harry potter then you can bring your body from Naruto verse which you have already conquered and combined the too. You can also in a similar manner bring in people too thus building and expending your empire.

Leo at this point only nodded and listened without saying anything.

The child continued: Each world new world which you will go for the first time, you will only have black matter in your body from the Harry Potter world, one god tree energy which you absorbed from the lesser god Ankhseram during your battle in fairy tail world, Hope from SAO, your Rinnegan from the naruto world, and lastly from the one-piece world the three forms of Haki. The Haki and energy you will need to train yourself to connect with again and again. Devil's lover is part of your godhood inheritance and will open to you when your journey into godhood starts for real. Arc of embodiment and copy magic both are low-grade magic of the God of creation, so if you use them you will be constantly targeted and monitored. The black matter will appear in the same manner as before, a black coin in your pocket. You're free of world laws now, you can do whatever you want without fearing heaven from targetting you. For next world travel, when you're at the apex of the world you can simply say it out loud and a tear will open for you.

Leo understanding everything nodded when he hears death speaking: Whatever happens in the world of living doesn't change anything from all three of us. We neither have time or reason to help you in any manner. It is only because of the responsibility we three feel toward your master that we have intervened. For the future, we won't interfere. The best we can do for you is to keep your lover hidden from the lesser gods. You will hold the name of Destruction and will have to hold onto that so don't expect us to fight in your battles.

Leo nodded and stood up and kneeled on the ground: Just protect Asuna, I will always remember this help.

Giant nodding: Okay then, we have done telling you everything, if you have any questions ask away or else be on your Journey onwards.

A tear in space opened up at a distance from Leo, Leo looked at it and asked: Where would I be going? Soul Society, the Human world, or Hueco Mundo?

The Child laughing loudly replied: Don't worry I have personally had it so that you have a cool surprise entrance.

Leo: Will I get to carry my weapon onto the next world?

Void: Yes

Leo bowed again once again and started walking toward the space tear when he hears the voice of Death: His name, His real name was Krotos, The God of destruction.

Leo stopped momentarily but then continued going again without stopping.

The tear sucked his soul leaving behind his body.

Void waved his hand and the 4 bodies of Leo, One from Naruto, One-piece, Fairy tail, and harry potter all were sucked into Space.

Void sighed and mumbled out loud: This is the last thing I can do for him, my friend.

Death kept on drinking his tea while youth suddenly asked: What do you think he will do when he finds out we don't have Asuna? That lesser god working for the God of creation directly took her away before we could do something?

Death looked at the young boy and kept on drinking his tea.

All three-seat in complete silence.

Leo in the meantime was having the time of his life when he regains his consciousness Hope was already controlling his new foreign body and running in a completely dark tunnel where a huge black matter with yellow bright on top of it chasing after him. Leo realized he is in the Dangai and that Kototsu was chasing after him, he started running more faster but then he saw something more unbelievable an even larger ball of white matter behind Dangai which slowly consumed Dangai whole and started coming toward him, using every bit of his strength from this foreign body and rushed to toward the birth white light he saw in the distance.

Just before the matter could catch him, Leo jumped into the bright light. Leo landed on a very hard and cold surface. Rubbing he kneels, Leo stood up and looked around him, when suddenly he was surrounded by people wearing completely white clothes with a white mask on their face. Leo knew neither the place he was in, who this people are or the type of body he was in. All he knew was this truly is a cool welcome.