The abomination

Ichigo couldn't believe his eye. after his miserable defeat with Aizen and seeing the power of the boy standing in front of him he has started training with Urahara in the real world, preparing in case something big happens in advance. But now the young boy just stopped his attack with nothing by a finger-like Aizen last time.

Before Ichigo could muster all his throughts, Keiko after blocking Ichigo by his finger took him by the neck and started using his Reiatsu which invaded Ichigo's body and check the type of Soul Ichigo has. Smilingly Keiko tuned and looked toward Yamamoto and said: Old man, what you see before you is an abomination, from my observation his boy has Shinigami, hollow, and lastly Quincy powers all in him. All his powers have manifested in two, entities One holding his Hollow and Shinigami powers while another holding Quincy powers. His Zanpakuto right now which we see is not a Zanpakuto but his Quincy powers which he hasn't completely activated.

Yamamoto and all the captain hearing this stared at Ichigo as if he was somekind of monster. Yamamoto himself stood up and moved toward Ichigo to inspect him more clearly. Keiko in the meantime started slowly leaking his black mass into Ichigo's body which mixed in with his muscles and such making it harder for him to move his body. After incapacitating Ichigo, Keiko throws his in front of Yamamoto and started walking toward Orihime and Sado who along with Unohana was being stopped by the three captains.

Keiko simply stood in front of both of them and nodded his head smilingly and went back to his seat.

Keiko taking his seat started increasing his pressure making everyone kneel except Yamamoto said: As I have suspected the boy and the girl along with him have gotten their powers from Hogyoku which was present in Rukia Kuchiki's body. I hereby order division 6 and 10 captains to go into the Human world and investigate the scope of exposer other people had with the Hogyoku. Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shihoin both will remain with Divison 12 and provide all the information they had on Hogyoku other than the process of its creation which will be deemed as a High rank which can be known to no-one other than Captain commander Yamamoto. Ichigo Kurosaki, Orihime Inoue, and Yasutora Sado will remain in the soul society under the watch of division 13 till all matter is investigated. An entity like Ichigo who an use the power of all 3 beings is often deemed too powerful thus Ichigo will be restricted from using any more of his power of any kind while his companions Orihime Inoue and Yasutora Sado will be examined to understand their powers and if they are too powerful. All material and information regarding all kinds of findings will any be shared with Captain-Commander Yamamoto and Ichibe Hyosube only no information shall be recorded in any manner to prevent the leak.

Finishing his "Order" Keiko smilingly disappeared and went to meet Senjumaru to report in on everything. Senjumaru was proficient in running an entire division which she did in the soul society, each division specialized in something special like Division 4 was a relief team which would heal and look after the sick people, Senjurmaru using Keiko idea formulated a time system which would provide less stress on individuals who work their while also making sure people are being treated efficiently. New Kido art made by Keiko which used less Reiatsu and healed people faster was also taught to everyone regardless of their seat within the squad.

Similarly, Other divisions were also powered and improved. Many time divisions were influenced by their captain's personality and lost track of their style thus making it harder for them to grow individually. Senjumaru after carefully observing everything started changing the divisions itself. If a person's power and nature were more compatible with the other division then Senjumaru would note it down and after every month the teams will change from within thus insuring that no to less manpower is wasted within the division itself.

Keiko had already spent around 6 months working on improving powers of the captain's was nowhere near his goal of making Soul society a knife to weaken Yhwach decided to drag Royal guards too into the mix to fight for him. Yhwach was the son of the Soul King meaning the son of a lesser god which meant an extremely excellent test subject. He never actually believed any crap which those Primal or whatever god said for all he knew they were the once trying to use him, thus when he was talking to them he let Hope take over his body enclosing his mind completely making himself unable to think anything to not let any of his thought loud out as he knew they can read his mind while letting Hope record all the converstion. In the beginning Soul King was also very suspicious, why would he come into this world and live like this, Keiko finally got his answer when he visited 3 of the 4 domains of the world and looked into souls of each being Hollow, Shinigami, and Humans. According to Hope and his analysis what soul king was doing was somewhat similar to what Beyonder in marvel did to Asgardians, creating an endless cycle of reincarnation from one world to another thus using them as an endless battery to recharge his powers in. Keiko knew that he currently didn't either had the means to do anything regarding the Soul king thus started Hatching a new plan for himself. He already decided to go to the Marvel world next after collecting certain things from the previous worlds and look for One above all himself.

Keiko's research has to lead him to look at the complete story behind the origin of all three worlds. In the beginning, there was only one world in the original human world were Souls and humans both resided. Then came the Hollow who would eat the souls and kill humans to turn them into Soul and then eat it too. After the arrival of the Hollows came Soul king who would use his powers to destroy the very soul of Hollows itself. All the Hollows at that time seeing the danger merged into a single entity the first Menos, it is said that the soul king using his powers slay the Grand Menos and thus creating the Hueco Mundo were Hollows would stay. Then came the sealing done by 5 clans who somehow already knew how to channel the power of Soul King thus dividing the worlds thus creating 4 parts Soul Society, Human world, Hueco Mundo, and hell.

Keiko didn't know the entire picture but knew that this is a beautiful trap laid out by soul king to feed himself constantly thus wanted to take Yhwach and leave this world before gaining more power and getting myself a Lesser god's body to experiment on.

With the involvement of Ichibe, other royal guards will also be involved such as the matter regarding Ichigo's Bankai. Oetsu the creator of Bankai would certainly be interested in knowing how the powers of a Quincy can manifest into a Zanpakuto spirit thus will come looking for answers here while Kirio will look into Orihime's power which can revert one's condition into its original state making a unique test subject.

He had already created himself an army to fight off Yhwach and his forces when they are weakened by the Soul society and Royal guards. He was unsure about the leak between Yhwach and Soul king thus wanted to stay away from direct concentration for now and watch as Chess pieces on his board dance around for him.