Titled Part. II

Keiko after meeting with the soul king learned many things, firstly Yhwach was an imprinted will of the soul king which wanted to absorb Soul king's soul while adding his consciousness thus giving him both the power to rule as a god while not being trapped under the rules of world laws.

Secondly, the soul king has trapped the entire Bleach world realm in the space lock which was his power due to which it is hidden away from rest of the gods thus making it a safe place for Keiko to stay and hid in after he had controlled soul king and take control over the domain. Which brought him to his next discovery and an important decision. Keiko found out the most important thing which is that when soul king comes out of the crystal, the Soul King in addition to being fall under the world laws would also become an existence which is part of heaven as a lesser god thus information about the ongoing activities of the god realm would be available to him, which would mean that Keiko while dragging and destroying Soul king using world laws can use the divinity connection of Soul King to find out news about his Asuna. But doing so would as Keiko estimates a mark of Soul King's divinity which can be used by others to find bleach world even when it's hidden in the space vortex. Thus Keiko had to choose if he wanted to use Soul King as a radio or keep his hidden place hidden.

Thirdly, Soul king was much easier to deal with than he expected, his original plan was to gain everything from this world and leave then return when he is powerful enough to take on Soul King but now after reading the memories of the Soul king he understood that the soul king was in deep shit if he ever tries to leave the Crystal, the world laws will either destroy him or leave him in a mortal state which is why Soul king wanted Yhwach dead, he planned to use the body of Yhwach as his when Yhwach will which now has formed its consciousness destroyed.

Keiko after thinking a bit about it decided to use soul king as a radio to listen to news about Asuna, the gods which sent him to this world already knew about the location of this world. As they sent him to soul king doorsteps already.

With a clear mindset and goal, Keiko went to the Human world and looked into the world seed project which Hope informed him is already done. Hope following Keiko's instructions along with the help of his Hollow army also created Nanotech in quantity to cover everything.

With no sign of Arranrac showing up in the Human world, Keiko assumed that Aizen is following along his suggestion and looking for Yhwach. With this development, Keiko launched the World seed into the world. He had with his estimation little less than 2 years before Yhwach revives and starts accumulating powers. With Timeline, Keiko started slowly spreading his nanotech into everything from food to water thus making all humans infected with nanotech, Keiko only needed around 2 nanotech to be present in any human to forcefully upload person's consciousness into the world seed.

On one hand, his human world company expanded into everything and everywhere, while on other Hope started creating Sleeping chambers in the number in billions in the form of Hibernation chambers.

Keiko left his Arrancar and Vasto Lorde to take care of everything in the Human world while also training. He had 20 Arrancar and 50 Vasto Lorde which all took 3 shifts and overlooked all projects in the human world using their Artificial Gagai which Keiko has developed.

Keiko himself being on the clock returned to the Soul Society. Ichigo was questioned and experimented on by various people to understand his powers. Mayuri tested his body while Oetsu tested his Zanpakuto, Ochibe tested the nature of the energy he expelled. Orihime power where a mystory to everyone, Mayuri or Kirio were able to find anything about it.

Keiko after knowing there was a way of knowing about Asuna wasn't in the mood to play around anymore. Keiko first ordered his Hollow army to increase their power and train harder. He also felt that it's time for Ichibe to take some rest from this world so he started forming a plan to remove him and Tenjio for one set for all. Oetsu was stilled needed as he wanted to meet each spirit of Zanpakuto in existence and leave an imprint on each of them using his black matter.

The spirit according to what Oetsu has told Keiko was that they resided in a very secluded seal and hidden part within soul society itself which is only known to him few other people. When it is decided that a shinigami is worthy but hasn't found a worthy Zanpakuto then on the recommendation of Center 46 Oetsu opened the pathway like done in the case of Toshiro Hitsugaya and his now dead friend Sojiro Kusaka.

Keiko along with his Hollow army was powerful enough to deal with all 3 portions standing between him and soul king, Aizen with his Hollows, Yamamoto and rest of the shinigami supporting soul king and lastly Yhwach along with his Quincy followers. But Keiko wanted Yhwach to come out himself so that everything can end at once.

Keiko returned to the Soul Society and acted like nothing happened while on one hand continuing his experimenting with Bounts and another observing Ichigo and Orihime powers up close. Ichigo's soul was special as it could contain 2 spirits of different kinds and power thus making him an interesting test subject while Orihime powers drove directly from her soul created due to her nature.

Keiko let Yamamoto and the rest of the people run around and do the test on Ichigo and Orihime powers while he focused on Bounts. Ugaki had turned into a powerful person after consuming the pure soul which Keiko had given him but with so much power of a pure soul, his soul started to burn a little. Keiko seeing this started feeding Ugaki more and more souls. With dramatic power-up, Ugaki screamed in pain continuously, his doll hungry for more power left Ugaki side and followed all orders of Keiko the person giving the soul instead.

Painfully after 3 months, Ugaki died with his soul completely erased. Keiko seeing this started understanding more about souls in general.

Soul king's memories didn't consist a lot about Soul only his method of using it in the reincarnation cycle. Keiko wasn't able to get all the memories from Soul King as he had not absorbed the entire soul but only Half of it when he used the Human path on him. If he had consumed the entire soul then the world balance the soul king had created would have been lost. Hope also informed him that his soul after the absorption has increased leaps and bounds. While Soul King's powers were halved due to Keiko, his powers have increased to at least fully charge 4 God trees.

Keiko after done with Pure Soul consumption with his understanding of the bounts soul, started trying to modify a soul of a human into a bounts. After numerous tries, he was able to imprint a fake version of the soul turning a human into Bount.

All the expriments which Keiko did were within his dimension thus leaving no trace to follow behind or chances of anyone ever knowing anything about him. Keiko's dimension was part of his soul thus not under the preview of the world laws as he was from his understanding not under the world laws. Keiko thinking this brought out the Human immortal he has created out of there. The world laws in the form of lightning destroyed the Human as soon as he was brought out. Keiko stood on the side and watched as he didn't want to mess with world laws and tribunals again after his experience in one piece world.

Keiko seeing this understood only he was the exception, almost Completed with his bounts project, he checked the soul of the reproductive Bounts to understand what made her special. After all research into her soul and understanding more about the nature of the soul which world laws have let it exist even when it's the kind which was out of the boundary of supernatural, he after done with his reseach let Jin Kariya using EMS had him do the little ritual thus creating Bittos.

Feeding the souls of a different kind of learning how to create them. Keiko was finally done with Bounts after 3 months. Bittos which were created by Kariya extracted the soul of a human while alone taking the specific part of it thus making it unstable and turning the human from which it is extracted into nothing but ash. Keiko after understanding Kariya's Bittos started using his approach of creating different types of Bittos, to extract souls from Hollows, Shinigami's alike. This project took more than 7 months to complete leading to the creation of the Bittos army for Keiko for all kinds. Hollows, Shinigami or Quincy had a different kind of Bittos which could extract souls from them thus turning them into ashes.

With his other army, Keiko once again turned his attention to Soul society, After 7 months of interrogations and research, nothing was found regarding Orihime and Sado to explain the bases or limits of their power. With both of them not done any kind of crime or harm in the soul society or the human world, Ichibe let them leave soul society and continue their day to day life. Keiko for being about to identify was also told to came and work to find answers which he flat out refused, Keiko was just like one of the high ranking members of the royal guard thus he had the chose to refuse anything which he wished, Soul King under the influence of EMS also agreed with Keiko's side. Letting him run around free.

While in the case of Ichigo was also released from Soul Society who wanted him to be their ally rather than an enemy in the upcoming battle. Yamamoto originally intended to Kill Ichigo and destroy the source of abomination one seat for all but with arguments from Byakuya, Yoruichi and some other captain's along with the suggestion from Keiko and Oetsu, that Ichigo has done nothing wrong and can be used in the battle against Aizen as he hasn't seen his Shikai making him a valuable asset. Thus Yamamoto, in the end, instructed everyone to train Ichigo and make him a soldier within the Soul society. After 1 year and 3 months, Ichigo was finally permitted to return to the human world and live with his family as humans.

With inconsistency in the timeline, Keiko let the Gotei 13 play out with filler arc, creating it as a sort of test from them to overcome. Keiko in the meanwhile started training his Hollow army making them more powerful.

With 11 months gone from the start of the nanotech project, the 80% population of the world infected by Keiko, Keiko focused on the hibernation chamber. With each Nanotech working divided into the world along with the satellite, Hope got the exact number of hibernation chambers required for the task, thus production fastened with a goal seat in the mind. Keiko seeing the inconsistency in the timeline, send some of his specialized probes into Hueco Mundo to look at the whole condition.

Unlike the original timeline Aizen this time didn't send his Arrancar into the human world to spy on Ichigo. Aizen was more focused on the idea, Keiko had implanted into his head. Aizen started researching the son of the soul king and Quincy's powers. With the idea to combine all three, Aizen started his experiments in Hueco Mundo. Keiko seeing no one arrive or any development from Aizen side presumed Aizen will likely either join Yhwach in the final battle or fight against him in case Yhwach refuses to ally with him

Seeing this Keiko returned to Royal palace where he along with Oetsu after the permission from Ichibe resumed his journey to met the Zanpakuto spirits.

After over 8 months, He completed his task of at least knowing all the spirits using his Kamui and EMS. Using Kamui he traveled the entire journey faster while using his EMS to make Oetsu do all his bidding he completed this faster than it should have taken, there were millions of Spirits of different kinds and natures.

With his secret probes into the Hollow World, Keiko after 2 months saw the arrival of Yhwach and his followers which were welcomed open arms by Aizen. Yhwach was mostly interested in the Hogyoku itself thus leading to a battle between Aizen and Yhwach while both of their sides watched from the sidelines. Yhwach little by little pushed, Aizen into drawing Hogyoku's powers which after some time completely merged with him bringing his to the level of Yamamoto. Thus an alliance was created with Aizen becoming a follower of Yhwach.

With the final battle at the doorstep, Keiko instructed his army to be ready and on the stand by. With the complete human society with nanotech in them, which also included fullbringers, people who had high Reiatsu within them, giving them special powers. Meanwhile, Keiko turned to the Visored were held, with his deep understanding of the Souls of Shinigami and Hollow, Keiko developed a method to create a reverse method for shinigami which has been turned into a Shinigami-Hollow hybrid. Keiko from his side was completely prepared now all he had to do was throw a matchstick into the situation and let the fight begin. He had already done everything in the world.

Keiko using his Probe watched from the shadow of his dimension that the deal was made between Aizen and Yhwach, with Aizen getting the Soul Society for himself after Yhwach has destroyed the soul king and takes his place.

Keiko started everything with the kidnapping of Orihime while making it seem kind the people doing it are Aizen's people. Orihime soul was very interesting it was divided into various parts, each part characterized by different powers and entities. Keiko using Hogyoku started his experiments while also trying to change the entity, he cut up the spirits which formed Barriers for Orihime while making her provide more Reiatsu to them, Keiko observed that over the period the spirit would regain their powers if enough Reiatsu is provided and if there is too much damage the spirit along with the soul will be erased from Orihime herself thus making her lose memory a bit while also making her body weaker too. Using Hogyoku in his possession, Keiko also found a method to reverse the power process via which Orihime gained power. Thus concluding with his research on Orihime and finding a method to divide his soul into various small parts that would give birth to an entity depending on his soul's characteristics.

After Orihime's disappearance, Soul Society didn't take it lightly under the command of Byakuya a scout team was sent to Hueco Mundo. Byakuya without Ichigo along with 2 more captains and 3 lieutenants were instructed to go and scout out the condition of Hueco Mundo. The team consisted of Zaraki and Mayuri along with their Lieutenants with Byakuya in charge. Using one of the inventions created by Keiko for scouting, the scout team was able to find one of the Aizen lower Arrancar subordinates, Using Mayuri's torture method they were able to get a grip over the situation and involvement of Yhwach. After their scouting and the knowledge of Yhwach and Aizen working together, Byakuya with the agreement with others decided to return and report back.

Meanwhile, Yhwach and Aizen noticed the presence and then return of the Captains. Yhwach ordered Aizen to commence with his plan of attacking the human world while he will attack the Soul society and then the Royal palace which was hidden in it. Aizen due to the influence of Keiko's EMS agrees with the order and gathers all his forces.

Keiko seeing all this return to Soul society just in time for Byakuya and rest to return and report on the situation. Keiko under the pretense of the training was away had earlier left soul society and Ichibe. Keiko seeing the situation develop in such a manner recommended that Yhwach would have most likely already felt the presence of the captain the moment they arrived or left thus, attacking there now would be foolish of the sort as it would be simply walking into their trap. Thus, suggested that they should wait out the enemy and divide and conquer them, Kekio started telling them their plan: If we attack now, we will have to take all their defense and offense at the same time, but if we lure them one by one we can use it to decrease and annihilate out enemies for one for all. Yhwach would most likely attack Royal Palace, to do so I don't think he is powerful enough which is why he wants to divide us into a group using Aizen. From my estimation, Aizen will attack the Human world to drive our attention while Yhwach along with his forces attack Soul society. What I suggest is that why don't we divided our forces too? A group along with me and Ichigo will go into the Human world where Aizen will most like attack and take care of him, while Ichibe and Yamamoto will stay here and take care of Yhwach when he attacks. After Ichigo and the rest of the captain are done with Aizen they can advance to the Hueco Mundo and annihilate all the enemies base when all their forces are not concentrated in it while I will return and aid in the battle against Yhwach if there is still need for assistance.

Seeing possibility in Keiko's plan, Ichibe returned to the Soul Palace while Yamamoto along with 4 captains stays behind. Ordering the rest of the captains to go into the Human world and stop Aizen.

Keiko under the role of leadership lead the team into the human world and set the 4 pillars to create fake Karakura Town. Keiko using the excuss of a surprise attack hid in his dimension.

Keiko secretly ordered his Arrancar to complete their preparation and sweep clean all of Hecuo Mando when both Aizen and Yhwach leave with their armies. Collect samples of people who could turn out to be a potential test subject.

Aizen was given additional troops by Yhwach to destroy the human town and to keep an eye on him. Aizen amused proceeds to attack the human town seeing this Yhwach attack Soul society with his people.

Aizen arrives in the human world along with his forces saw some captains and Keiko the person on whom his Shikai didn't work absent decided to go along with his plan, he first pretends to order people to commence the destruction but soon reveals his Shikai to all his and the enemy Shinigami forces. Thus hiding from the prying eyes.

With Hypnosis underway, Aizen moves toward soul society.

Keiko seeing this order his Vasto Lorde's to activate world seed projects. His forces worked like a machine that each person forcefully uploaded into the world tree while their body being secured into the hibernation chamber. Keiko along with his forces, using Kamui went around and help as much as he can after screaming to all his allies that Aizen had run away and he would be following him. Captain's and Aizen's Arrancar fighting each other. Keiko focused on his project in the Human world while People fought each other.

With 2 years of continuous training following Keiko, Yamamoto and other captains were powerful enough to give Yhwach ran from his money, the battle between the two while Royal guards also arrived and started pushing Yhwach and his forces back. Aizen who had also arrived watched from the shadows as Yhwach powers decreased little by little, Finally falling to the level which Aizen believe he can kill him. Aizen fully powered from Hogyoku backstabbed Yhwach meanwhile, Yamamoto and the rest of the forces also diminish their power fro the earlier fight seeing Aizen was confused. With Injuries Yhwach along with his forces started fighting a three way battle with Aizen dominating everyone else.

Keiko in the meantime continued his project after being done with 3 countries out of 197 stopped and came back to see the fight. Most of Aizen forces were dead while some were struggling to see this Keiko ordered his Vasto Lorde's come to join the battlefield and sweep clean everyone from the human world. Ichigo who was also fighting some Arrancar seeing the arrival of Keiko became hopeful before freaking out, Keiko from his dimension let out 50 all-powerful Vasto Lorde each which the power to defeat Yamamoto, the battle was one sided Ichigo was captured along with rest of the captains while all the Arrancar and Quincy forces which were sent were whipped clean.

With Keiko sweeping 2 worlds of Hueco Mindo and the Human world turned his attention toward Soul Society and found, Yamamoto and Yhwach both badly injured fighting a 4 way battle with Aizen and Ichibe.

Keiko with all his patients waited for his forces to clean everything, while the 4 people continue fighting each other.