Don't move. Keep holding.

Mijoo slowly wakes up before the alarm goes off. Her body feels heavy. She has a hard time to move. She can't lift a finger.

There is a presents of someone in the room. A dark silhouette entered her bedroom, slowly creeping into her direction. Mijoo was facing the ceiling, and only could move around her eyes. But that was not enough to see what's going on. Brain, what's happening.

*Brain 'Zzzzzzzzz'😴😴

Great. Just when you need it, it's asleep. Mijoo closed her eyes out of fear. That thing was now standing next to her bed. Mijoo could hear it creep down to her, lowering itself. It is now hovering over her small, defenseless body. Mijoo let out a small cry. She felt its breath heavy against her skin. The breathing made her body moist. Tears start to fall over her temple and wet her hair. The strange thing sticks out its tongue. It takes its time and licks her throat, going up all the way to her temple that has been wet cause of her tears. Mijoo's heart was about to explode at any moment.

*Brain 'Oh Lord!!! What's happenin. Why would you close yo eyes. Open em, bitch. Why you scared? Ppff'

The figure above her whispered in her left ear. 'Open your eyes if you want to love.' Mijoo didn't move nor opened them. She felt a cold hand touching under her t-shirt. It made her moan, her eyes opened and she tried to fight back. 'No use in fighting back, Mijoo.' Her eyes locked with the dark figure, that slowly turned into Daehyun. 'I'm sorry that I had to scare you off like this, but you can't seem to make a move so I am helping you.' Why would you do that by breaking in anothers house. This is crazy. This must be a dream.. A horrible dream.

*Brain 'pff hahaha. Stupid gurl. Of course it's a dream. I bet that you would be the only one from both of ya that can dream like dis.'

But the horrible dream did not come to an ending. This Daehyun kept going on. Her shirt lifted and exposed her skin and bra. While the other hand drifting al the way down her inner left thigh. Slowly going up.' Stohh, plezz.' did Mijoo manage to say. 'Why. Don't you like it, me touching you? Making love to you?' He smiled looking her in the eyes. 'Alright, I'll stop for today. See you at work, baby.' He vanished in thin air. It took a while for Mijoo to relax her tensed up body before getting up.

She sat op her bed. Dropping her head in her hands. Dreaming such a dream at this age. How embarrassing.

Got the cake out the fridge, Mijoo is ready to leave. Or maybe not.

The lights were on in the office. Mijoo is the only one that always came early and would switch the lights on for the past 3 years. Step by step, she walked further and saw Daehyun his office light is on too. Mijoo made a crying face. Great, just won-der-FUL!! She thought.

First go into the kitchen and place the box with the cake in the fridge. And stay in the kitchen. Fill the water boiler and hit the button. Shit, that's going to make noises. Hope he doesn't hear them. Mijoo took a seat and started to play with her fingers. Please don't let him come out. Daehyun came out his office room. And the second crying face of Mijoo. Please don't let him see me. Daehyun noticed Mijoo sitting in the kitchen. She looks pale. Please don't come here. Daehyun is coming. Mijoo is cursing under her breath. Everything is working against her.

*Brain 'Do ya remember the wild dream?' 😘😘

'Mijoo? Hi, good morning.' With a happy face. It's just so early in the morning, why is he so excited. 'Hi.'' This is all in your head. Snap out of it. 'You want to drink tea too?' Mijoo points at the box with tea bags. 'I'd love to.'

*Brain 'Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.'

Mijoo shoot up from the chair, turned and walked to the kettle. With Daehyun seated behind her. The third crying face. She grabbed the kettle and two cups. Poured the water in the cups, passed one to Daehyun. 'Thanks.' Mijoo stole a look and saw that he was also looking her way. She quickly averted his eyes. 'You are welcome.'

I'm acting like how I did 14 years ago. I still like him that much. I gotta man up and interact more. I can't let this chance slip away. Mijoo was lost in her thoughts. At that moment 'Can I ask you something?' Daehyun broke through her sea of useless pep talks inside her head. 'You can.' Mijoo again looked at him. 'Do you by any chance smoke?' Mijoo's eyes grew big. 'No, I don't. Why did you ask. Than do you?' Daehyun shook his head. 'Same here. I do not smoke. I don't like woman who smoke. I hate the smell of burning chemicals.' Mijoo had a judging face on. Does he want to talk with me, what a weird way of starting a conversation. He still is weird as back when we were kids.

One by one the others arrive. One of them tiptoes slowly behind Mijoo. His finger over his mouth, telling Daehyun not to say anything. Junn gently takes out a long pipe. Grabs the string and pulls it as hard as he can. With a boom, confetti with small spiders goes flying through the air. Mijoo doesn't budge. Daehyun jumped a little in his chair. 'Damn it, this lady is so strong. Nothing can scare her.' She already had her own piece just this morning. No one can scare her. 'Happy birthday, lady boss.' Mijoo brushed off the confetti from her clothes. 'Thank you, Junn.' She smiled and pointed at the fridge. There is cake in the box. Can you ask Linda to cut it for me, so I can serve it later in the afternoon. 'Lady boss is not afraid of anything but still can't cut a cake. Alright, I'll note it down and tell her. Mijoo bobbed her head as a thanks before she left the kitchen. GOD!!! He must be thinking that I'm a living corps. Can't talk, can't get scared. The fourth crying face.

'I didn't know that it is her birthday today. I didn't receive a notification too.' Daehyun got up and walked over to Junn. 'The notification was send last week. You must be locked out of the system. Cuz a notification will be send a week before someone's birthday. Gotta inform the IT-team upstairs, so they put you in the team group.' Daehyun note it down. 'I'll visit them later. Thanks buddy.' Junn hit Daehyun on his back 'No problemo.'