First day at school, again.

Mijoo was having a hard time sleeping. It was so noisy.

'Mijoo. Mijoo? Wake up. The teacher is about to come in. If she sees you, she'll send you out. The girl next Mijoo poked her.

'What teacher? I need to go to work, or I'll be late.' Mijoo knew that it was a stupid dream again. What now. A teacher and a student, a forbidden love play? Nuhu. She wants to sleep a little longer.

The teacher walks in and 'Mijoo, you should be studying and sleeping not play around with your boyfriend.' The other students laughed.

This doesn't feel right. She opened her eyes and find herself in the middle of a class. Her old class from 14 years ago. Pff silly dream.

The teacher has started with teaching. The first class is history. Some of the kids were listening, some randomly drawing in their books. The same scene, like always. Mijoo turned around, she knows that Daehyun was seated behind her. And there he is. They came eye to eye. He smiled mischievously. Mijoo's heart almost stopped beating. She smiled too, because she was about to lose it. But for now, go with the flow.

Mean while Daehyun looked around. He was in his room reading a book. And now a student at school. What's happening. It feels so real. He saw his old friend and pinched him. 'Aaauuuewww. What was that for.' His friend cried and hit him back. It hurt Daehyun, it really did. 'I did it cuz, wanted to know if it hurt.' The friend looked him dumbfounded. 'No, you can pinch me more. It did not hurt at all.' With sarcasm in his voice.

The hours passed by really quick. Now she is standing in front of the school looking lost. The evil perverted Daehyun is no where to be found. Only the one she fell in love with at first sight is sitting in the back of the class, being childish by playing around.

Mijoo looked in her bag, to see if there is a publictransportation card. She needs to go home. And a phone. But the phone back then didn't have any options. No wifi in the public, no fast internet, no WhatsApp. Nothing!! But if she concentrates, can she actually create something out of nothing, what will she do even if her own phone appears in front her. It's just a dream she can't wake up from. Haha.....

Once Mijoo is home, she is greated by her mother who was cooking. 'Hi, mom?' her mother came out of the kitchen. 'Welcome, sweetheart. How was school?

'It was okay I guess..' She had to laugh. Her mother looks so young. She misses her. 'What are we eat tonight?'

'We have potato out of the oven, filled chicken and vegetables.' Mijoo even missed her potatoes. She always complained whenever her mother made potatoes. She hated it in any form. Fried potatoes, baked potatoes, potato potatoes. Uhgrr. 'Mmm yummy.' She replied.

Mijoo stepped into her old room. Her solo bed, the big white closet, a green desk. Her drawings and color pencils. It's all there. She never had a calm dream like this before. She jumped on her bed, slowly drifting off.

'Honey. It's time to eat.' Her mother called for Mijoo. She replied with a moan.

It didn't take long and Mijoo shoot up and sit straight on her bed. 'I slept and woke up at mother's call. How come I am not in my own bed getting up leaving for work...' She is now officially crazy.

Brain, you there? Can you hear me? Please, just wake me up.


No response. Why? Now that she thinks about it. She has been in this dream for a long time and never did brain pop out. Or is it playing a game with me. That evil perverd Daehyun said something like the punishments will be heavier. Is he talking about this? No, it would have been something nasty, if it was that horny dog.

Mijoo had dinner with the family after so many years. Even if it was a dream, it felt great.

Daehyun had a handmade book laying on his desk. It was a book with information about his classmates, including his. The teacher made them so in case they could contact each other. He send everyone a short text message.

'Which phone would you want to have 14 years later? Aaand send.' It did not take long and almost everyone answers back.

'What, how would I know?'

'Is it for homework, do we have to do something. A test, when?'

'I'd like to have a phone that is free of charges.'

'A Samsung galaxy S10.'

'Free porn, dude. What else..'

Hold it!! Daehyun went back to the previous text. That's it!

Mijoo had a silly facade on. What a weird question. Sinds it's a dream. Why not my own phone.

Daehyun called Mijoo as fast as he can. 'Mijoo, it's me Daehyun. Listen.' Mijoo pushed through. 'You are not going to do anything funny are you. I am ending this call. Bye, evil perverd.' Daehyun panicked.' What! No, wait. Mijoo it's me Daehyun from the office!' He yelled. Luckily Mijoo heard him. It was silent on the other side...

'Office? Which office?' Her heart beat faster and faster. 'Engineering company. Yesterday was your birthday, the blue cake, the hairpin. Do you remember?' Of course she remembers. 'But this is a dream?' Daehyun corrected her. 'I don't think it's a dream. It's happening for real. Let's just meet up tomorrow after school and think of how we got in this mess.' He hung up.

What's happening. Is this not a dream? Then wat, time travel? Pff, how could that be.

Daehyun was not the only one that went back to the past. Mijoo must have kinda thought and is now aware that something is off. They'll talk it out tomorrow for sure. If they went back 14 year in the past, there must also be a way to go back home.