Did it work?

Daehyun walked a few rounds. 'Will you sit down so we can take care of this. Please?'

Somehow Daehyun likes it when Mijoo says the word, "please". It sounds so satisfying. He sat down in front of her. 'I am going to say it in one go. Okay?' He cleared his throat. Looked Mijoo in the eyes and..

'Mijoo, I love you too.'

It was silence. 'We should probably sleep this one out. It'll happen in the evening, I think.'

'Maybe..' Mijoo's heart was racing. It is not real but she can't make up her mind. It would be the best to part ways for today. 'Let's just go home. Nothing will happen if we stay here. I'll talk to you later. Bye.' Mijoo stood up and walked out the door. Daehyun was left behind. It does feel awkward to get down together. So he waited for 5 minutes and left too.

Mijoo took a warm shower. It has been a while since she had drawn. With her bathrope on, she sat behind her green desk and draw till late in the night. Looks like her drawing skills didn't become rusty. It's even better then before. She might take them to school and show it to the others. They can use it at the challenge.

Look at the time. She left everything on her desk and climbed in bed. Shut her eyes and slept.

That night, Daehyun was playing games. He send a text message to Mijoo before he went to sleep.

The next day. They woke up and still stuck in the past. Mijoo called Daehyun the moment she woke up. 'Good morning, I think... Nothing happened.' It was silence on the other line. 'Hallo? Uhmmm. Who are you?' Mijoo took the phone from her ear. The one she called. It's correct according to the display. 'I am Mijoo. Is this the phone of Daehyun?'

'Yes this is his phone. My brother is sleeping. Should I wake him up?' The girl had a high voice. 'No, it's fine. Let him sleep. When he wakes up. Can you tell him to call me back?'

'Okay, bye bye Mijoo.' So cute, the way she ends the phone call. 'Thank you, bye bye too.'

The little sister, the moment she gets off the phone is when she jumps on her brother with all her power. Daehyun panicked and threw the blanket along with his sister to the side. 'What!! Earthquake! MOM!!' He saw her sister laying on the floor, wrapped up in his blanket. 'Are you okay? Quick, we need to get out.' The sister got up to her feet. 'Stop it, there is no earthquake. You must have had a nightmare.' Daehyun froze on spot.

The sister nonchalantly ignored her brother's stupidity. 'Your phone was ringing so I answered it. She said her name was Mijoo. Who is she? What did you do to her. She said that nothing happened. As in what happened? Mmm. Big brother?' She interrogated her brother.

Daehyun relaxed and sat on the edge of his bed. 'Melis listen. Mijoo is a classmate, we are working on a school project, okay?' Melis did not believe the words of her brother. 'Sure, she is a classmate. A classmate who is a girl, calls you so early in the morning on a "weekend", telling you that nothing happened.' Daehyun dropped his head. She is totally misunderstanding it. 'Just get out of my room. Hurry. If you don't want to. Stay. I'm going to get changed.' The sister did not budge. 'Do it if you are the man!!' Daehyun hates it when she goes all in. 'Alright, stay and get mesmerized by my godly body, that everyone is envious of.' Melis had a rotten facial expression. 'Disgusting brother.' She left the room.

Daehyun called Mijoo. It went over two times and she accepted the phone call. 'Mijoo, are you there?' Daehyun had a just woken up and a husky voice. It made her heart skip a beat. 'I'm here.' Daehyun now realized that his confession did not work out. 'I'm sorry, the plan failed.' The silence felt on both sides. 'It's fine. We haven't given up yet. There must be another way. We should probably call it off till Monday.'

Daehyun felt useless. Mijoo is having a hard time. He knows that she is stuck with someone who doesn't see her as the way she sees him. He wants to at least leave as soon as possible, so she doesn't have to go over it twice. 'Alright. See you at school. Bye.'


All Daehyun did was lay around being lazy. And enjoyed the moment while it lasts. Should he meet up with his friends. He can't take the boredom any longer.

Daehyun got out of house. He is going to meet up with Toni and Dave inside the mall. Daehyun was the first to arrive at the game hall. 5 minutes later Toni and Dave came. They went inside.

Mijoo likes to stay at home in her free time. It's either drawing or taking a long walk. So she decides to go and take a walk around the neighborhood. She misses all of this. Now it's just work-home, home-work. So she also enjoyed the time while she can.

The weekend passed by really fast. It was Monday again. Mijoo and Daehyun are in class. The teacher is explaining the challenge between the four classrooms. For 3 days. They are going to start collecting money. Each classroom has to come up with four ideas to earn money.

Their class choose to wash cars, draw portraits, bake cookies and stand at nearby stores to help load groceries in the cars of the customers.

Starting from Wednesday till Friday. The first day, boys will wash the cars and load the groceries. The girls will draw and bake the cookies. The second day, it'll be the other way around. And Friday they'll work mixed together. The teachers are going to count the money on Saturday. The results will be out the next week on Monday. And Friday, all the money goes to charity. The winner gets to be on the front cover of the most read newspaper. And the teachers have a big surprise.