Welcome back.

It was morning. Mijoo heard a dog bark so early in the morning. It never happened, no one has a dog in the neighborhood. While trying to get up, she trips and falls on the floor and hurts her knee. The good thing is. She is in her bath rope. Does that means that she is back?

Quickly got up and searched for her phone. It's on the mahogany desk. She looked at her phone, the date. It's the next day after her birthday... The whole past thingy just happened in only 1 night?

She put one her clothes and left the house.

Carefully opened the door and tiptoed into the office. The lights were off. She pushed every light on and stopped at the kitchen. The juice press machine is here, the box of fruits and her miserable feelings. Mijoo felt really sad. If she puts enough concentration in her work she'll forget it eventually, or maybe not...

The boss walked in. 'Ah, Mijoo, you are here? Fantastic. I have someone here to introduce you. He is my cousin, he came from overseas. I told him to come and work as one of the top, but he declined. And wanted to work starting from the bottom. How admiring.'

The cousin came and stood next to his uncle. The man had light brown hair and green eyes. A firm body. While Daehyun has dark hair and dark eyes, and a slim athletic body.

'Nice to meet you, you must be the team leader Mijoo.' He had a deep voice. While Daehyun has a boyish voice. 'Welcome. Yes, I'm the team leader.' He didn't take his eyes off of Mijoo. It made her feel so uncomfortable that she wants to dig a hole and jump in. The way he looks at her is so intense.

'Mijoo, for the time being, Tim will be working under your supervision, alright?'

'I understand sir.'

The boss left the office, now it was Mijoo and Tim... He walked towards Mijoo and removed the hair that was covering her face and shoved it behind her ear. Mijoo turned into ice. 'It looked like the piece of hair was bothering you. So I helped you.' LORD!!! WE JUST MET, AND I'M HEARTBROKEN ENOUGH. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY!!!

'Right.. Thank you.' Mijoo took a step back. But she lost her balance and almost fell. Tim, with a reflex held Mijoo by her waist and prevented her from falling. And Daehyun came just in time to see the whole scene. Mijoo slowly pushed Tim away and this time took two careful steps back. 'Thank you. I'll take you to your desk. Once the rest of the team is here. I'll introduce you to them.' She smiled awkwardly.

Daehyun came. 'Good morning.' Mijoo did not look his way. 'Good morning.'

Daehyun and Tim came together. 'Hallo my name is Tim. From today on, I'll be working here.' Daehyun gave him a hand. 'Welcome, I'm new as well. Just stared last week.' Tim nodded his head. 'Great, two new guys. We gotta help each other out. Right!'

Mijoo took Tim on a small tour around the office. Tim's desk is at the end of the road. Next to Mijoo's office room. 'Great, we are neighbors.' He smiled. Yey for Mijoo...

*Brain 'Ya just hit jackpot. He's lookin damn fine, gurl!!! Forget about that other idiot. Choose him, look at him. He's tryna flirt with you.' 🥰🥰

Brain!! Sorry, no can do. It's not a piece of clothes. I can't jump from one to another within 5 seconds. I need time.

*Brain. 'Judging you.' 😑😑😒😒

The collegas entered the office and eyed Tim. Mijoo introduced him and soon Tim became a hot topic. Even girls from other departments came by to introduce themselves to Tim.

After a while, Mijoo stood up and walked in circles. Her knee is hurting so much it keeps her from working. Daehyun saw that Mijoo was limping with a painful face. It bothered him. What happened? Did she get another pain attack and fell on the floor? How bad is she hurt? He stoot up, on his way to her, but Tim was faster. He walked in after knocking on the door. Mijoo turned around. 'Does your leg hurt? You were limping the whole day.' Mijoo. Sat on the edge of the sofa. 'I hurt myself this morning when I woke up. It's not so bad. It'll hurt 2 or 3 days and stop.' Tim shook his head and came closer. 'A woman's leg is her life. You can't shoot it to the side. You need to take care of your leg. Take it easy and go to the hospital. Should I drop you after work?'

Tim's suggestion made Mijoo's body ice COLD!!! Why is it that no matter what he says, it sounds so repelling.

'I appreciate your offer, but I can go by myself. It's not that I can't drive. It only hurts when I push myself. Resting is the most important thingy in this situation.' She got up and walked over to her desk. Tim did not leave, he went over to the desk and sat halfway on it. 'And I appreciate if you don't sit on the desk like that, please.' Tim hold his hands up and got off the desk. 'It's an old habit. I'll try to remember it miss Mijoo.'

The day ended. But Junn sprinted into Daehyun's room with panic. 'Daehyun!! I just lost a document that I was supposed to send it by today. Help me, bro!!! Daehyun shoot out his chair and followed Junn. Mijoo also heard it and followed them.

Daehyun sat behind the computer and started to type in some codes. 'Relax. These computers have a hidden bin. I need to open it and take out the document.' Linda was standing next to Junn. 'If not for sir Daehyun, I would have shaved you bald, right this moment. Just keep that in mind.' She has her hand twisted in Junn's hair. Ready to pull it. Mijoo was relieved once she heard it. Daehyun finally got out the document and gave the seat back. Mijoo without realizing smiled softly at Daehyun. Her small dimple was visible. Daehyun stared at her. He had this weird feeling inside him. Mijoo returned to her office while Daehyun stood there.

Everyone was gone now. The office was empty. Mijoo was standing next to her car. Should she go to the hospital or drop it. At that moment Tim creeped from behind her. 'You are debating whether to go to the hospital or not?' Mijoo bumps into her car. She has little goosebumps all over her body.