First time

The bathroom was filled with steam. Mijoo felt that her body was tired because of the pain, but somehow it was all charged up. She walked to her room and saw Daehyun laying on her bed, eyes closed. She leaned in and touched his hair. Never would she have thought that the man of her dreams is sleeping on her bed. It made her happy, so happy that she couldn't contain it. She climbed in bed and lay her head on his chest. Some time passed by and Daehyun opened his eyes. Mijoo was on top of him sleeping with only a bathrobe. Her chest and legs exposed.

Temptation at its finest. What should he do? His body is reaching out to Mijoo's body. He is getting hard. Mijoo has a great body big boobs and a big butt. Her skin is soft and lightly tinted. Everything about her is just as the way Daehyun likes it.

She moved around and accidentally touched Daehyun, he groaned. It made Mijoo wake up. She felt something hard poking her waist and knew what it was. She looked up at Daehyun. 'Do you want to take a shower?' He brought his hand and patted her head. 'No, it's okay. I should probably go home.' Mijoo's face saddened. 'Why? We have 2 days off. What are you going to do at home? Stay here. Please?' She put on a sad puppy face.

'That's it!! I've had enough!!' He rolled over and tossed Mijoo under him. Mijoo was totally exposed now. 'You asked for it sex doll.' He duck in like an open buffet. 'Open your mouth.' Mijoo obeyed and did as she was told. He kissed her roughly. Mijoo let his tongue inside her mouth. Daehyun's right hand touched her breast, he fondled and pinched it. It feels nice, his whole hand is filled with her breast. He broke lose and Daehyun began to go lower and lower. He kissed and sucked her neck and her breast. Mijoo was holding onto Daehyun, she moaned but covered her mouth, it sounded so nasty according to her. 'Why are you covering your mouth? Let me hear it.' He came closer and whispered into her ear. 'It makes me even harder when I hear your sex voice.' He pulled her hand away from her mouth. 'Let me hear it. Cry out loud, because you are going to be mine.' He had a fearless look in his eyes. Mijoo shuddered.

Daehyun spread her legs slowly but Mijoo was fighting against it. 'Are you by any chance thinking about the nightmare you had? She nodded. 'I'm sorry. I'll try my best so don't stop.' It made him smile. 'Of course I'm not letting you go. Look at me only. So we can overwrite the bad memories together.' Daehyun took off his t-shirt and threw it on the floor. He slide his hand over her upper leg and tried it again. Mijoo slowly spread her legs. Daehyun was frozen. 'What are you looking at, stop staring. It's embarrassing.' Daehyun looked at her. 'I was thinking. I should have thrown you in bed much earlier. I'm a lucky man to be playing with you in your bed right now.' Mijoo hide her face with her hands. Her cheeks are burning. 'You are so shameless, you know that!' Daehyun let out an evil laughter. 'I am shameless when it comes to you.' He kissed her inner thighs and slowly moved down. Mijoo closed her eyes, she couldn't bare to watch it. Daehyun moved over and gave her a strong lick. Mijoo thought about the nightmare again and quickly opened her eyes.

She twitched and moaned out loud. She started to breath faster and heavier. Daehyun kept on going. 'Daehyun... Uuhhff... I... Aahhh... Stop it... Uuhhff... Aahh... Ah...' He did not stop until Mijoo came once. After that, he could feel her body relax underneath him. 'That was fast. And be honest with me. Have you ever touched yourself?' Mijoo was panting, trying to catch her breath. 'No... Aahhh... I never had the need to do it... Aah.' Daehyun hit the jackpot. This girl is so innocent and dangerous. 'It's hard to believe you my sex doll.' Mijoo was irritated. 'You don't have to believe me. I bet you drove a lot of cars before me, didn't you? You have some quite experiences.' Daehyun moved his fingers towards her. He began to rub and put one finger in. 'Let's talk about that later, okay?' He proceeded and put the second finger. All four of his fingers were inside her now. He pulled his pants down and.

'We don't have protection. Shit!! Just great.' Daehyun dropped his head down and was heartbroken. Mijoo smiled. 'We don't need protection... Uuffh... You can go further... Aahhh.' Mijoo took Daehyun his clean hand and let it touch the inner upper arm. Daehyun felt a long and hard bump. 'It's a protection... Aahhh... Don't worry... Aah... I will explain it later... Uuhh... Hurry up, please.' Daehyun got the quo and slowly pushed through until it was all in. 'Does it hurt? I'll try to be gentle, but no promises.' He hold her and began to move and speed up. Mijoo was feeling the pain, but also pleasure. She also hold on to him and wrapped her legs around him. Daehyun smiled and kissed Mijoo. 'You are a naughty girl.'

Daehyun pulled Mijoo in and rise her up in a sitting position. They came face to face and were looking at each other now. Mijoo quickly planted a kiss on his lips and retried. Again and again. Daehyun loved it.

He pulled her up and pushed her down. 'Can you move like this?' Mijoo nodded. She tried her best. Daehyun helped her out. 'It's tiresome... Mmnnhh.' Daehyun stopped her. She does look tired. 'You are worn out because of last night. Do you want to lay down?' Mijoo shook her head. 'But you didn't come yet... Uuff.'

'My bunny is trying her best to satisfy her husband.' He leaned in and. 'I like to do it rough and if I push you. You will faint. I don't want that.' Mijoo was sad. 'I don't want you to go easy on me... Aahhh... I won't faint... Ahh... So I will lay down.' Daehyun loved it. She obeyed everything he said. He gently put her down on bed and kissed her. He than began to move in and out her. He felt her tightening up and pushed faster until he came inside her. Mijoo felt it filling her. It was a whole new experience to her. Daehyun came down on her and let his body roll over. 'Are you okay. Because I am stopping here. You are about to faint.' He pulled her in his embrace and covered her body. 'Just try to sleep for now.'

Mijoo was about to die. Her body is so worked up. She fell asleep as soon as she shut her eyes. Daehyun gently stroke her head.