
Once the food was washed away, Daehyun brought Mijoo to his room. The mother brought them juice. And Melis also followed. Daehyun tried to kick her out but she didn't budge. Mijoo tried playing with her. 'Should I bring my make up box so we can put it on? I learned some tricks.' Mijoo nodded her head. Melis flew out of the room and quickly came back. They put on make up for about an hour and Daehyun this time began to get mad.

'Can you go so we can finally start with our homework?' Daehyun raised his voice. Melis looked annoyed and left the room. 'You pervert. Don't you touch her, or I'll tell mom.' Daehyun threw his pillow but he hit the closed door. He got up and lifted the pillow before locking the door. 'That'll make her stay away. Finally we can be alone.' Mijoo got up and sat on the bed. Daehyun came and sat next her. He looked at Mijoo. Her lips had a cherry red color. He wanted to kiss her. He looked her in the eyes like a hungry puppy. 'You, can I kiss you?' Mijoo shook her head. 'Nope.' But Daehyun did not listen to her and jumped on her. He leaned in and kissed her. Mijoo opened her mouth and let him enter. His tongue met with Mijoo's.

Daehyun stopped and looked at Mijoo. She laughed looking at Daehyun. 'You have lipstick smeared all over your lips. You look indeed like a pervert.'

Daehyun dropped his head. 'This is so unfair. Just after one round of sex and here we are back in the past. I so want to mess you up right now. I feel like a pedophile looking at the underaged you, with these eyes.' Mijoo had a red face. 'You should probably go to the toilet and... You know.'

Daehyun let out a sigh. 'I'll hold it in for now. Let's just figure out how to solve this mess for the second time.' Daehyun remembered what Toni told him. 'Oh. Toni said something about that Dina was talking hateful about us all and wanted to get you for something. I'm sure it's her fault that we are here.' Mijoo tought for a moment. 'The text message you send to everyone back then. Did she reply to you?' Daehyun skimmed through his phone. He couldn't find a reply. 'No, not here. Only her answer is missing. Do I have to reject her this time?'

'That may be the ticket way back home. We can try it tomorrow. You can call her out and do it.' Mijoo grabbed a napkin and cleaned the face of Daehyun and hers. It would be bad to walk out the room looking like that.

It was almost 5pm. Mijoo's mother called her and was waiting for her in the car.

The next day. Daehyun gathered all his courage and asked Dina to follow him so they could have a talk. They went into an empty room. 'What do you want to talk to me for about? Are we that close to meet in an empty classroom like this?'

He couldn't contain his anger and thought about Mijoo and the tons of sex he will have with her. Trying to relax his mind. He breathed in and out slowly. 'Listen. I am going to say it once. I know that you like me since the beginning of first year. And I, since the first year do not like you as a friend nor in a romantic way. Can you please stop acting like a cursed outcast. You only think for yourself and the rest can suffer. Is that it? So stop everything and don't make me hate you.'

Dina was silence and looked at the floor. She didn't say a word. Daehyun did regret saying the last sentence, but she kept pushing things to the wrong way. The way she was behaving towards others began to cause disturbance within the class.

'Leave!' Said Dina. She glared at him now. 'GET OUT!' She yelled. Daehyun casually left the room and did not even look back at her. Dina watched him leave as if nothing happened. She hit her hands on the table and lost balance, fell on the floor. Crying out as loud as she could. 'I won't let this end like this. Never. I'll get you to be mine somehow, someday.'

Daehyun wanted to see Mijoo. So he texted her and met up with her down at the lockers. He hugged her and kissed her neck. Mijoo tries to push him away but he did not move. 'I was scared, but I told her off. She will not curse me, right? What if I become impotent? Would you still love me?' Mijoo laughed. 'Well it depends. I'm a woman too. So I need my pleasure too.' Daehyun cried. 'Why are you doing this to me. Don't you love me?' Now that Mijoo thinks about it. They never officially confessed to each other. 'We never confessed our love, did we?'

Daehyun looked at mijoo. 'If we were in our adult form. I'd show you how I love you in all kinds of positions.' Mijoo hit him in the stomach. 'Stop joking around.' He came closer and. 'Mijoo, I love you, I'm about to go crazy looking at you right now.' She hugged him. 'And I love you too, you horny puppy. What am I going to do with you.'