
Mijoo let Daehyun rest while she cleaned up the mess. It took her some time to finish it up. She pulled her jeans on and began to button Daehyun up. 'You are such a big baby.'

'You made me like this, miss Mijoo. Being touched by you feels fantastic. How did I survive up till now, without you?' Daehyun rested as much as he can and stood up, stretched out. They left the restroom on time because people came in. Mijoo let out a sigh. 'Just on time.'

Next day at school. Dave tiptoes towards the table of Mijoo. She was drawing in her notebook. 'How come you and Daehyun didn't show up yesterday? Did you have fun?' Mijoo put her pencil down. 'It was great. We did so many naughty things in public places.' She winked at him. She told the truth, it's not like he would believe it. Dave felt embarrassed and clicked his tongue. 'I want that too. How about we go on a public place date tour? Just you and I.' Daehyun showed up like a Grimm reaper and twisted Dave his arm. He let out a cry. 'Want me to company you on our hot and naughty public place date tour? It would be much hotter with just two guys.' Dave managed to turn around. 'I would not mind if Mijoo comes too. The three of us going out. I get to have her the most.' Daehyun was furious. He dragged Dave out of the classroom. Everyone was watching them. Mijoo ran after them. Once they put a distance between them and the classroom. Dave tapped on Daehyun his shoulder. 'Wait, I was joking. I know that you two are in relationship with each other. Daehyun!' And he stopped, so did Mijoo. The two cornered Dave and threw questions at him.

'How do you know that?'

'Since when?'

'Who else does it know?'

Dave pushed them away. 'Toni told me. He had a hunch and I just confirmed it. That's all. No one knows except for us two. Please don't kill me.' Since the cat is out of the bag. Daehyun pulled Mijoo in and kissed her in front of Dave. Mijoo was shocked. 'Now you know that, if I see you mess with her one more time. I'll kill you then. Got that?' Daehyun had madness in his eyes and Dave could see that. Until Mijoo pinched his side. Daehyun cried. 'Why are you acting as if you are possessed by a pervert? Stop doing that.' She turned towards Dave. 'I'm so sorry. He didn't mean to. Can you and Toni keep it still for now? It's because...' She got interrupted by Dave. 'Is it because of Dina? She was like a walking horror house, yesterday when neither of you showed up. I'm sure that she is aware of you two.'

They are sure that if they don't tell the class, Dina would. Daehyun pinched the place between his eyes and laughed. 'Don't worry about Dina. I'm going to show her what love is.' Mijoo narrowed her eyes. He was thinking of something stupid, she knows it. 'What are you going to do? Stand in front of the class and kiss me so everyone sees it?' Daehyun was surprised. 'How did you know that?' Mijoo shook her head. 'You think like a simple pervert. Just like what you did in front of Dave.'

The three returned to class. Everything was normal they thought. Dina was furious, she heard everything and took out her phone. Typed a message and send it out. The girls who received the text messages were the ones who asked if Daehyun had a girl he likes. Some of the girls texted her back, asking if they are in school. Not long after that. Four girls barged into the classroom. They walked up to Mijoo and kicked her chair. 'Oh, hi Mimi. How is it going?' said one of the girls. Mijoo knew that Dina snitched on them. It was bound to happen.

'I'm doing great. What's the occasion for coming in like this?' Her voice was normal. Not to high or not to low. One of the girls grabbed her chair and leaned in, she was facing Mijoo. 'I heard that not long ago you had a fling with one of the seniors. He told me that you are overripe. There was no taste at all. It had this weird and bad aftertaste. She must have been used to much, he said.' She smirked. Era and the other girls stood up and walked over to Mijoo. 'Talking dirty suits a trashcan.' Said one of the classmates.

The bullies did not stand still. 'Who are you talking to? Bitch. It's between us and this slut. If you want to join the slut club. I'm sure this one here will welcome you.' She pointed to Mijoo, who said nothing.

Daehyun shoot out his chair. 'What's going on?' He spoke in a stern voice. 'We have an unwritten rule in this room. If one of us gets in trouble, all of us gets in trouble.'

One of bullies clicked her tongue and turned to Daehyun that was standing tall and firm. The girl smiled and placed her hand on his chest. 'Hi, handsome. We are dealing with a leech here. No one wants a bloodsucking bimbo walking around, stick up to their pretty face, right?' Daehyun closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Toni who was standing at the end of the room got up and. 'The slut has touched something that belongs to another. I repeat, the slut has touched something that belongs to another. Leeching around others their boyfriend, I'm pretty sure that they are indeed welcomed in the slut club.' This time it's Dave's turn. 'Ding ding ding. Round two. Pretty face? Turning a boy into accessories so a slut can show of her newly bought toy. Sorry, aunties. You all came to the wrong classroom.'

The girls laughed at Toni and Dave. Daehyun grabbed the hand of the bully and pushed it away. 'I know that I am handsome. I've been called cute once.' He lifted his eyebrows up. 'But I gotta get a pretty girl to stand next to me. Someone real and a lady. Someone with big boobs and a big ass. It has to fill my lonely and empty hands. Playing Barbie and Ken is not something for me. I'd rather play Mijoo and Daehyun.' He wasn't even mad. Daehyun was smiling and totally proud of what he had said. He showed off Mijoo to the entire classroom, while Mijoo's face was glowing and beaming red lights. But she gathered all her courage and walked over to Daehyun. She bumped into the bully and pushed her to the side. She grabbed Daehyun by the collar and kissed him. It was dead silence. When Mijoo leaned back, Daehyun grabbed her butt. He pinched it. 'See that? That's what I am talking about.' Mijoo buried her face in his chest and hit him on the hands. 'Stop that. God, so embarrassing.'

'If one of you even touch a single of her hair strands. You deal with me.' He turned to Dina and looked her in the eyes. 'If I see one sad expression on Mijoo's face. Except to get it back by 100 volts.'

Toni and Dave backed him up. The girls pushed the bullies out the room. One of them threw a bandage behind them. 'Gotta close up the wound or all the dirty trashcan fluid will leak out, we don't wanna have fake bitches leaving their waste all over our territory.'