
She was dying from the inside. Getting turned on like this. She was more of a pervert than Daehyun. A hidden pervert.

'You saying it like that, pressing on all my buttons. Now I'm horny too. So how about you and I have phone sex?'

'Okay.' Mijoo did not know what to do, so she waited for instructions from Daehyun, who was busy taking off his pajamas. 'Just lay on your bed and put the phone next to you. Since we can't put it on speakers. Keep it next to your ear.' He heard her doing so over the phone. 'I'm laying... Mmh...' Mijoo began to moan. Daehyun that instant began to touch himself too. 'Mijoo. Just one moan and I'm your slave. Keep rubbing until it's wet.' Mijoo did it. She felt the fluit while rubbing. It feels good but not as great as when Daehyun did it. 'I'm wet... But it doesn't feel as good as when you do it. This feels weird... Aah...'

Daehyun is literally crying, he feels so cheated. This all is so unfair. 'Can you touch your boob? And pitch it.' She liften her pajama and removed her bra. Grabbed and fondled with it and pinched it. 'I did it... Mmmh... I don't like this... Aah... Daehyun ah... Can you come, please?' Daehyun exploded. He blocked it with his hand. It's all dripping right now. He just came. How embarrassing. 'Mijoo, I'd love to teleport my way to you. Damn it. I hate being a kid like this, powerless. Can you go one like this for now?'

'Mmhh. I think I can... Hhmm...'

'You, can you put in just one finger? Give it a try. If you can't, you can change your position. But keep rubbing.'

Mijoo gave it a try. Daehyun could hear her moan and shuffling while changing her position. 'I did the finger thingy.. Aahnn... I'm now in the crawl position... Mmmn...' After cleaning up, Daehyun began to rub again, he closed his eyes and began to imagine. Mijoo in a crawl position right in front of him. Legs spread while she touches herself. 'Mijoo, close your eyes and think of me standing behind you. It's my finger that's inside you. It's my finger that is gentle rubbing you. Now I'm putting in the second finger.' Mijoo felt the sensation growing bigger thinking that Daehyun is touching her. She wants more. 'Daehyun? Aahh... More.... Mmmhha...'

Daehyun speed up. 'Mijoo. I'm going to take out the fingers and put it in you. With my other finger. I'm going to rub it harder and faster.' Mijoo's moans and breathing rapidly raises. 'I'm slowly pushing in. Can you feel it? I'm all inside you. Moving it in and out. Your body is rocking back and forth.'

'Daehyun ahh...' She keeps moaning to his name. Until. 'Dae... Daehyun... Mmhhaa...'


Daehyun heard Mijoo breath really fast and loud. She stopped moaning. 'Mijoo? Are you okay? How I wish I was there. Ttskk.' Mijoo laid down from exhaustion. You can say that she is slightly disappointed. Closing her eyes and using her fantasy is nice but not the same. 'Daehyun... Huff... I want to go back. I hate this. I want you to touch and hold me...' Daehyun wants the same. But there is not a single clue on how to go back to the present. 'I'm sure that this time we will go back in a short time. Just stay by my side and don't leave me.' But Mijoo hung up the phone. Did she do it on purpose? But Daehyun thought that she was embarrassed about the whole phone sex.

Meanwhile at Mijoo's. Realized now what she has done and buried her head into the sheets. Saying all those lewd things. She was basically begging him to take her. Now she feels dirty and guilty. Gotta get up and clean the mess. And she pressed away his call. What will he think of her. A selfish person? As soon as she finishes, she leaves you hanging? She had a crying face on.

The next day at school. Everyone was acting normal. Nothing was out of the place. Even Dina showed up as if nothing happened. Mijoo avoided Daehyun all the time. She is still embarrassed about the whole thing, last night. But Daehyun got up from his chair and walked over to her desk. 'Mijoo? Don't try to run away. If you do, I'll let everyone know what happened last night.' He squat and put his arms over each other on her desk. He let his head rest on his arms and stared at her without blinking.

'Wifey, don't avoid your husband. You will pay for it when we get back to you know where. So lay down your head on the desk and look at me.' She did what he said. 'Last year when we had the competition between the classes, when we were sitting in the canteen. You had your head laid on the table with your eyes closed like this. I had this grand urge to kiss you. How would those lips feel like? Are they tasty? Would she agree if I asked for a little kiss?' He smiled and came closer. She closed her eyes and Daehyun planted a short kiss on her lips.

The whole class eyed them. 'Woww, Romeo. We are in class so control yourself. Shouted Dave.

'Aaww they are so cute. So sweet.' Said one of the girls.

'I want a boyfriend too. And be lovey dovey with him.'

'Eewww, stop it man! Come on.'

'Throw them out. Everyone is in uproar. Hormones are flying around.'

Everyone had something to say. But Mijoo had only Daehyun in her eyes and Daehyun could only look at Mijoo. It felt good to confess and be open about their relationship now.

The bell ring and everyone as usual run out the school building. Daehyun decided to take a walk with Mijoo, but the little sister tagged along with them. 'Melis, go home. Stop following us. Shoo.' Melis ignored her brother and took Mijoo's hand and pulled her away from him. 'Mijoo! Let's go eat something sweet. I know a place that has delicious and all kinds of chocolate flavors.' Mijoo turned around and looked at Daehyun who was irritated. She stuck out her tongue and run away leaving Daehyun in the cold. The two girls entered the store and looked around. Melis pointed out the once she likes and put them on the counter. Daehyun walked into the store and Melis pointed her finger to him. 'He is going to play for it.' She took the bag and run off with Mijoo. Daehyun sighed and shuffled to the counter to pay off. 'Would it be illegal to give her one containing alcohol in it and make her pass out? She just robbed me from my money and girlfriend.' The man behind the counter laughed. 'You talk like a big guy. And I'm sure it's illegal to do that to an underaged girl. Don't you think so?'