At the office

The next day they had to go back to work. Mike had warned them about Tim, so Daehyun had to keep an eye on that guy. Mijoo was busy looking at the computer and typing away some documents. Once done, she jumped to the next work that was piled up on her desk. Linda came in once in a while to check on her. Is she drinking enough, did she eat, because, once Mijoo is fully concentrated on work, she will forget everything until her job is done. 'Boss? I bought some mini cakes and tea. Drink it while it's hot.' Linda placed the mini cakes and the tea right in front of her.

'Thanks. We only had 2 days off and hell broke lose. I'll eat the cake later if I'm still alive. If you find me dead laying on the floor. I want you to note "it was a piece of cake" or "she caked it" on my gravestone.' Mijoo let out a long sigh. 'Did you hear anything about Tim? He is absent and no one received any info about him.' At that moment Daehyun walked in. 'So he went awol. Must be because he has connections with the big bosses. Thinks he can come and go whenever it suits him.'

Mijoo's pile of unfinished dossiers began to reduce. She quickly typed away the documents and handed them over to Linda, who eyed the cake and Mijoo back and forth. 'He must have had some kind of an emergency. I don't think that he is the type with a lose end.'

Linda walked to Daehyun. 'She will die if she doesn't take a break. Didn't even hesitate when I put the cake for her nose.' She arged her eyebrows and made a what-can-I-say face before leaving the room. Daehyun replaced the cake and the tea at the other table and closed the door. He took Mijoo by the arm and dragged her to the bank and dropped her down. 'You lady, should take a moment. How am I supposed to hold you tonight if you don't eat and rest once a while?' Mijoo rolled her eyes. 'Well. You can't. The red gate it open for a week. Unfortunately for you.'

'What red gate?' Daehyun didn't understand the qlue and looked lost and confused. He came down and sat next her. 'I'm on my period. And I don't know how long it'll take for it to stop. Remember the thing in my upper arm I told you about? That thing is tricky. It might end tomorrow or it will continue for a week or maybe 2 weeks.' Daehyun was about to cry. 2 whole weeks! That like 14 days. 'Let's get that thing removed. I can't wait right now! What do I do in these 2 weeks. I'll end up losing my manhood! Noooo...' Mijoo shut him with her hand. GOD! He is so dramatic. 'Listen buddy. I will not get that thing removed until I am married. I don't want to get pregnant. Besides. It's been 3 months since my last period. I'm really tired right now. I feel like dying at any moment. It hurts.' Daehyun cupped Mijoo's face between his hands and made her look at him. 'That's 2 weeks of offering in order to gain the 3 months. Jokes on the side. Let me help you. I'm pretty much done with my job.' He gave a short kiss and stood up. 'Let me go get my laptop. And you better finish those cakes and the tea before I come back. If you don't! I'll feed you all of it using my mouth. Till the last bite.' Mijoo closed her eyes. She imagined it just for a second and felt dirty. Eww.

The mini cakes where long gone before Daehyun returned with his laptop. But Mijoo felt like puking. It took a lot of energy to consume it all. 'Are you alright? You look pale. Try to shut your eyes off and take a nap. I'll try to do as much as I can.' Mijoo shook her head. 'I don't want to.' She was pouting. Daehyun felt as if he is trying to steal a candy from a kid. 'Stop pouting before I pounce on you.'

It was evening. The office was deserted, only Mijoo and Daehyun were left. Mijoo was sleeping on the couch while Daehyun tried to finish the last document. They didn't expect a guest after working hours. Tim walked into the office and saw the lights in Mijoo's room were on. He slowly tiptoed his way to the room and tried to peep. He saw Mijoo laying on the couch sleeping and Daehyun behind her desk, focused on work.

'Why is he always so close to her? Damn it.' Tim walked backwards and hit the planter. Daehyun heard it and walked out of the room. He saw Tim rubbing his thigh which he hit the edge of the planter.

'What are you doing here at this moment of the time?' Came out of Daehyun looking down on Tim. His voice was threatening and cold. Tim cleared his throat and answered in a soft voice. 'I.. I came to get some documents.'


'Why? Because I am going to work at home. That's it.'

Daehyun eyed him for a while until he spoke again. 'It took you a day to remember to get "some" documents and work from home? With who's permission. You could have at least called in and informed us about it. Just trying to think out loud with you here.'

'I had a bad day and lost my phone.'

'I'm sure you have... Do you know a guy named Mike?