Meet my family

Daehyun pressed the door bell and waited. They heard voices coming from the inside. Melis opened the door for them and invited them to come in. Mijoo did see Melis a couple of times at school, because she knew that Melis is Daehyun's little sister. They never talked. Mijoo was curious if she kinda remembers her seeing at school.

'Mom. We are here. Lady of the house? Where are you?' Daehyun called. His mother was standing in the kitchen preparing food for them. 'Hi honey. Let me wrap up in here. Take a seat, I'll be right there.' His mother was taking something out the oven. It was a cake. She placed it on the counter letting it cool down. Daehyun lead Mijoo in to the living room. She sat down. Adrenaline rushing through her body making her all nervous and hot. Melis followed them and sat on the chair eyeing Mijoo. Mijoo felt it and did not dare to look her way. Daehyun nonchalantly looked around and acted pretty normal, while Mijoo started to melt into nothingness. The mother came and Mijoo shoot up. She laughed before giving her a hand. 'Relax dear. We won't eat you. I heard from Daehyun that you three went to the same school. It must be faith.'

'It's been 11 years ago after graduation and now we met at the same company, it is faith. You will love her too, mom. She is like the puzzle piece that has completed my life.'

'I'm happy that you found someone you love, honey. She looks cute and sure is pretty. He is a hand full, right! My son.' The mother looked at Mijoo with such warm eyes. 'Ah, yes. I mean he has a lot of energy compared to me and more social. Everyone at the company likes him.' Mijoo's voice disappeared at the end of her sentence. 'I see what you mean. Since this is our first time together, I'm sure we will have more times ahead of us, sitting together for a talk in the future. So you don't have to feel shy. You'll get used to it.'

Melis looked at Mijoo. 'I don't think I have seen you at school before. Which class were you in?' She asked out of curiosity. 'I was in 1-B and 2-B. In my last year it was 3-X. I look really different from back then. Chubby and pimples all over my face. Working out and taking care of my skin has its wonders.' Mijoo felt at ease talking to Melis. Because of the whole brainwash thingy thought Mijoo.

Melis is taller than Mijoo. She has light makeup on and dark brown hair. A slim body just like Daehyun's. So does the mother. They both are really pretty.

'Are you by any chance the girl that draws really good? They did say that someone in the second year can copy anything she sees and draw exactly the same thing on paper. If so. I have seen you a couple of times and your projects at school. According to the way you described yourself.'

Mijoo was happy that she remembered her in one way or another. 'Yes, that's me.' She smiled at Melis who was looking at Mijoo from head to toes. 'You sure did change a lot.'

'Melis. Watch how you talk to our guest.' Warned the mother. Daehyun did not sit still and attacked her. 'You did too. I couldn't even recognize you. That's like three layers of plaster there.' He made circles over his face to point out her face. Mijoo pinched his thigh. 'Dont say that to your sister in front of your mother. She'll be sad. And she is right. I'm sure that you would not have recognized me either if not for my name.' She whispered. But the two ladies saw and heard everything. The mother laughed at it.

Daehyun's father came home and they sat down to eat dinner. That evening, the father told them all kinds of stories about their childhood. Some embarrassing moments and some sweet moments until it was time to go to bed. Daehyun used his old room, Mijoo will be staying in the same room with Melis. They dressed up. 'You have really big boobs. Are they real?' Mijoo nodded her head. 'It grew after I graduated high school, made me uncomfortable all the time. Everyone would stare at it.' Melis scoffed. 'That perverd brother of mine must have drooled over it every time he sees it.'

Daehyun jumped into his pyjama and sprinted for Melis her room. Without knocking on the door, he burst into the room. Mijoo turned her head and covered her breast in panic mode. Melis who was already in her pyjama's, began to throw whatever she could find. ' What the fuck it wrong with you! Get out you damn pervert.' Melis yelled which made the parents come out too. 'What is going on here. Melis why are you yelling at this time? And what are you doing here Daehyun?' Mijoo duck under the bedsheets. He is dead tomorrow, just wait. 'I was just paying a visit. That's all.' Daehyun tried to explain. 'No, he did not. He came in like a bulldozer.' The mother kicked Daehyun out the room and sent her husband away before she closed the door. Mijoo came out under the sheets. She was red as a tomato. 'He grew up fine physically but failed to do so mentally. I'm so sorry my dear.' The mother let out a sign.

'It caught me off guard. But it's okay. He has to much energy in that body of his. It was a small explosion just now.' Mijoo quickly dressed up.

'That's not a small exploration. It's a big one. What did you eat and drink when you two made him? Exposed him to nuclear radiation? I should be the older one here.' The little sister complained on and on. The mother shook her head, throwing the towel in the ring and left the room. 'These kids will never grow up.' She said.