City Tour

"I still can't believe that you did that last night." Ji-Eun said.

"I'm still here, aren't I? Of course it happened." I replied.

We were walking in the streets of Thailand. It was around 6PM already. It was her day off before she continues her tour and perform here tomorrow. For now, it was just the two of us.

Last night, we were celebrating with her friends and family. It was really memorable for us. It was like she had a birthday party. I took them to a restaurant to treat them. But we didn't overdo things since we had a flight to Bangkok early in the morning.

Her friends and family went home to South Korea this morning. The time we had together was enough for us to get off from what we were doing and just enjoy life. It was really a good time to relax.

Also, a video of us kissing in her concert spread out online really fast. There were plenty of people who reacted to it. Most were really good comments but some fans hated it. Like I said, not everyone would be happy for us. But my friends and members all called me this morning to confirm it and congratulated me.

I would be flying back to South Korea tomorrow to continue promoting with my members in 2 days. But for now, I would be focusing my time with Ji-Eun.

"But did you really have to fly my family here all the way from home?" She asked.

I nodded. "Well, you look like you were lonely from all the fan cams I saw online. So I had to do something."

She pinched my cheek. "You really are something. But you shouldn't be wasting money like that."

I then pinched her cheek back. "It's not a waste if I'm spending it for you."

I then walked past her while chuckling. She stood there all frozen.

"What are you doing? Let's go." I called her.

She snapped out of whatever she was imagining and started clinging on to my arm while we walked around the night market.

I really love how simple she is. She's not materialistic. I even offered to buy her some stuff but she refused profusely.

"Why? I'm willing to buy it for you. Come on. Pick one." I said.

She shook her head. "It's something that I don't need at the moment."

I chuckled. "So you'll only buy it when you already need it?"

She nodded. "That's right."

I rolled my eyes. "You do realize that some of these items aren't found back home, right? And if they were, it would really be expensive."

"Really?" she asked.

I nodded. "Yeah."

She then pondered about it. "But how are we going to carry it all back once we're done?"

"So you DO have a lot of stuff in mind." I laughed.

She giggled. "Yeah. But it feels weird that you're the one treating me."

"Why? I'm your boyfriend." I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just not used to someone buying me stuff." She said.

I was also curious. "Really? How about the company?"

She placed her index finger on her chin and pondered. "It's different when it's the company treating you."

"Your ex-boyfriends?" I asked.

She then snapped her head towards me and narrowed her eyes. "Didn't I tell you that you're my first boyfriend?"

"Really? Then I really must spoil you tonight." I said as I held her hand.

"Yeah. You do seem to know what you are doing." She suddenly said.

"What that supposed to mean?" I said.

What was that?

Is she picking a fight?

"Well, you ARE experienced." She said sarcastically.

I scoffed. "Ya… Lee Ji-Eun. You're my first girlfriend that's why I'm also trying to figure you out."

She suddenly hugged me. "I'm just kidding. I just wanted to tease you a little."


"Ya… That wasn't funny." I said in a slightly angry tone.

"Are you mad at me?~" She asked in her aegyo voice.

I don't remember IU being like this in the previous world.

Gosh… she looks so cute.

"Fine… You're forgiven. Because you acted so cute just now." I said while pinching her cheek before running away.

I need to pay her back for teasing me.

"Ya! Kim Jinbo!" She yelled before running after me.


"I'm starving." She said.

We were done with shopping and man… did we buy a LOT.

And she didn't want to buy in the first place.

"Well, our movie starts at 10PM and it's still almost 8PM. Want to grab dinner?" I asked.

"Sounds great!" She said as clung on my arm and leaned on my shoulder.

We returned to the hotel first to leave what we bought before we started heading for one of the famous restaurants in Thailand called Riverside Terrace. The moment we entered she gasped.

"I've never been into a fancy restaurant unless it was business related." She said.

I chuckled. "Me too. So we're each other's first."

"I wonder what other 'firsts' we'll have." She whispered in my ear and winked before heading to the front desk to ask for a table.

I was stunned for I moment before I shook my head while chuckling.

Even though she became my girlfriend, her habit of teasing didn't disappear.

I decided to join her while she was talking to the person at the front desk.

"Good evening madame, sir. Do you have a reservation?" He asked while looking at us from head to foot.

I was starting to feel uncomfortable because it was as if this guy was judging us based on appearance. Of course he'll look at us as if we weren't able to afford this place.

Ji-Eun is someone who's really simple when she isn't performing. She's just wearing a pair of pants and an oversized blue sailor type dress and sneakers. I was wearing pants and white shoes with a blue sweater with a white polo underneath.

"Oh. Do we need to have a reservation? We actually don't have one." Ji-Eun said.

She actually speaks Thai… huh… I didn't know she could do that.

"Oh then I guess you should leave then. We're full for tonight." The guy said in a rude tone.

I turn to see the restaurant half empty. This guy... he's judging us right now.

I then calmed myself down and said, "You don't understand. We're really hungry and we just want to eat. Besides, the owner of this place is a friend of mine. You know… Yo Chul Park?"

"Ah. You are now, aren't you?" He said in a sarcastic tone.

I seriously want to beat this guy up.

"Guards, please take this people away. They are causing trouble and are impersonating as Master Yo Chul's friends." He continued.

The manager seem to notice the commotion. He started heading towards our direction. The rest of the crowd started to stare at us and started whispering while pointing at us.

We were being mocked and laughed at.

It's fine if you embarrass me. But you want to embarrass my girlfriend too, huh?

"Let's just leave, JayB-ah." Ji-Eun said.

I stopped her and told her that it was going to be fine. I removed a golden card from my wallet and showed it to the guy who wanted to kick us out.

When the guy saw this, he scoffed and said, "What? Are you going to show off your money now?"

He must have thought that it was a credit card or something.

But when the manager arrived and saw this he immediately came to me and bowed. "Master Jinbo. Welcome to the Riverside Terrace. I trust that you have been well?"

The golden card contained my family's crest and as well as my own crest at the back of the card. This would symbolize the 9 strongest families in the world. I promised myself that I would never use this to flaunt my power. But this guy was embarrassing my girlfriend in front of everyone, I'll have to show him who holds the power here.

"No. It hasn't been well." The moment I said that, the guy who greeted us jerked when he heard that.

"Is something the matter?" He said.

I then returned my card inside my wallet and said, "Well, my girlfriend and I just wanted to have a meal. Sadly, we don't have a reservation."

"Well there are plenty of vacant tables in the restaurant. So why not take a seat?" the manager said.

I laughed. "That's what I wanted to do. But your employee here wanted to kick us out saying that there aren't any."

The manager then smacked the back of his employee's head. "What are you doing?! Don't you know who this is?! Beg for forgiveness!"

He bent down in anger and apologized insincerely.

"Mr. Amudee, I think he's insincere about his apology." I said.

"You..." He was obviously really angry right now.

"I don't want to see him here anymore. Get him out of my sight. As for everyone here. Make sure to pay their meal for me. I've already caused enough ruckus for them." I said in low tone.

The manager, Mr. Amudee, didn't hesitate to have the guy thrown out. He was still yelling and cursing at me.

Everyone in the room applauded and thanked me for the free meal. As for Ji-Eun and I, we were brought to the VIP room to have our dinner.

The rest of the dinner went well and we both had a hearty meal.


"Ah! I can't believe I'd be so full!" Ji-Eun said.

"Really? I'm glad you are." I said as I chuckled.

She giggled and gave a peck on my cheek. "You were so cool earlier! But don't do that again. You can't abuse your power like that."

"It's the first time I used my card like that actually. I've never revealed my identity like that before." I replied.

She stopped walking and turned to face me. "Really? Why did you do it then?"

I smiled at her. "He was embarrassing and making fun of my girlfriend. Of course I wouldn't stand to see that happen."

She blushed. "My heart just skipped a beat. Why do you always catch me of guard?"

I approached her and gave her a kiss. "Because you ask the wrong questions at the right time."

She just giggled before she dragged me as we walked on the streets of Bangkok.

As we were walking, some people started following us. I noticed them a while ago and became wary of them. I just didn't want Ji-Eun to panic so I kept silent.

We were in front of a 7-ELEVEN store. So I decided to confront them. But I had to keep Ji-Eun away and safe.

"Hey babe. Can you buy ice cream for us inside? I'm just going to take a call." I lied.

She agreed and went inside of the convenience store.

I then sighed and started speaking in Thai. "Alright. I know you're there. Why are you following us? Who sent you?"

They didn't reveal themselves.

"I know you're there. Don't make me call the cops." I continued speaking.

They slowly appeared from the shadows and when I saw them, I was really shocked.

They were girls! Three young girls at that!

"S-sorry. We just wanted to confirm if it was really IU and JayB that we saw earlier." One of the girls asked.

She was obviously scared of me.

"I didn't mean to scare you. It's just, with the recent events that happened, I can't afford to not be cautious." I assured them.

They nodded telling me that they understood. But they were still afraid of me.

"Everything alright, babe?" I turn to see Ji-Eun holding two ice creams.

I told her that they've been following us around since earlier and told her the truth why I asked her to buy ice cream.

She pinched my ear and pretended to scold me for scaring her fans. It made her fans smile and laugh. After which, I decided to buy them Ice cream and we talked a little. Of course, they asked for our autographs and a picture with us as well. We happily went with it and did what they wanted.

Ji-Eun is really a good person. She even encouraged them to study hard and fight for their dreams. They finally left us telling us that they wouldn't be able to be at the concert tomorrow since the tickets got sold out so they were really happy about this today.

Ji-Eun, being the sweet angel that she is, gave them VIP tickets each. She happened be carrying it around. She wanted to have her family over in her Bangkok for her concert but they already met her in Jakarta during the surprise. So it was a waste now. So she gave the tickets to the girls. They cried in joy before they left.

"See… this is why I love you." I told her.

"You love me because I'm giving away free tickets? JayB-ah, I didn't know you were cheap." She sarcastically said.

I rolled my eyes and hugged her from behind. She didn't know that I was going to tickle her after that. It ended up being a tickle fight between us. We stayed that way for a while before we headed out to Setan Mall to watch our movie.

It was really a great night.

"Thanks for today, JayB-ah." She said as we were walking back to her hotel.

"Anything for you." I replied.

She smiled at me. "Are you really leaving in a few hours?"

"I have to. I still need to promote with the guys tomorrow. Plus, the fans already know that I'm okay. So they might be questioning why I wasn't promoting with the group yet." I replied.

She understood and just walked with me silently.

This is why I really love her. She's really understanding and supportive.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing. We stopped as she turn to look at me.

"Hmm? Why is Matt-hyung calling?" I asked.

"Answer it." Ji-Eun smiled.

I answered the call and put it on loud speaker. "Hyung? What's up? It's already dawn there right? Wh-"

"JayB! You have to come back now! We need your help! Yo Chul… He's..." He spoke so fast as if he was panicking he didn't realize that he was already speaking in Thai.

"Slow down. What happened to Yo Chul-hyung?" I asked.

He breathed out and said, "It was a saesang attack… Yo Chul was attacked by a saesang."
