Hiding a Beauty

The temperature in the room increased and Su Yanyun could only hear the man's heavy breathing.

She closed her eyes nervously, not daring to look at the man above.

She heard him take off his clothes and felt him kneel down beside her. His hand grabbed the last piece of clothing on her, but he wasn't in a hurry to remove it. Instead, he used the outline of the clothes to play with her body…

"Baby, you're so beautiful…" The man panted heavily by her ear.

Su Yanyun was pink all over and her voice was weak. "Hubby, you have to be gentle…"

The man in front of her was like a hungry beast, waiting for the delicacy in front of him but still suppressing his desire. He was waiting for the moment to open his mouth to taste her and devour her.

The more repressed his feelings were, the crazier they would be when released.

In the dim light, Su Yanyun's breathing also quickened…