How Did You Get In?

When his woman yelled at the other end, she was probably just as he had imagined. She probably puffed up her cheeks and pouted her little red lips. She looked just like a cute pufferfish…

Rong Linyi smiled and sent a text to Su Yanyun.

[ I'll come and pick you up after my business meeting. Remember to listen to my call and send me your location. ]

Su Yanyun was stunned after receiving the text…

Hubby really cared about her, right?

Even if there were countless women around with admiring eyes, he would only say that he wanted to pick her up and ask her to send him her location.

Perhaps he had his own difficulties…

However, she already had all the titles that those girls wanted and the unconditional love that they yearned for. It was all for herself.

He had given her the most important thing…

So what if she couldn't appear in front of everyone as Madam Yi?

Hubby only had her in his heart.