Feeling Superior

The banquet hall was bustling with activity.

Luo Weimin casually picked up two wine glasses from a waiter's tray and handed one to Su Yanyun.

"I don't drink." Su Yanyun waved her hand. She had a baby in her stomach and couldn't touch alcohol.

"I know you don't like to drink." Luo Weimin had a smile in her eyes. "Look carefully, I'm giving you fruit juice, only my glass has wine."

Su Yanyun accepted Luo Weimin's fruit juice.

She was a little confused. "How could a waiter possibly have juice and red wine on a tray?"

Shouldn't wine and fruit juice be served separately?

Luo Weimin cursed inwardly.

When did Su Yanyun become so smart?

But she quickly changed the topic with a smile. "How would I know? Why did you run so anxiously just now?"

Su Yanyun clutched her cup tightly. "A lunatic tried to harass me just now. Luckily, I bumped into you, so he didn't dare to chase after me."