A Mark As A Reward

"Hurry and get lost!" The Old Master chased him away repeatedly. "You still want to go on a blind date with your ugly appearance? Dream on!"

Rong Linyi was waiting for this.

So be it!

As long as he could bring his woman out of this "devil's den", he was willing to be disfigured!

Sitting in the Maybach, Su Yanyun was also shocked. "Wow! Hubby, how many women have you kissed?"

The marks looked like lipstick!

As soon as the woman finished speaking, Rong Linyi turned Su Yanyun's face towards him and kissed her hard.

"Shut up! Other than you, no one else can kiss me."

In order to avoid the matchmaking round-robin arranged by the Old Master, he had specially prepared a syringe.

The drug in it could rapidly cause his skin to show "allergic symptoms" without any other side effects. However, the effectiveness of the drug lasted only about 10 minutes, and the red spots came and went quickly.