Darling! Darling! Bad News

The Rong family's second daughter-in-law was rumored to be pregnant.

This also gave Madam Rong a lot of pressure.

If it were before, she would have been a little unwilling to let her choose He Xiaoqin as her daughter-in-law.

But at the moment, there was really no suitable person.

Although He Xiaoqin was not particularly beautiful, she was sensible, smart, and knew her limits.

Besides, He Xiaoqin was the He family's daughter after all, and her brother and Rong Linyi…

Even if Rong Linyi didn't like her, he could at least be polite to her.

As for offspring… if it really didn't work, they could at least try IVF, right?

However, Rong Linyi didn't seem to sense Madam Rong's painstaking efforts.

He shook his head decisively. "It's an urgent matter in North America, I don't have the spare time to take care of others."