Just Accompany Me For A While

However, Su Yanyun's next words clearly told Rong Linyi that he was thinking too much!

She quickly took out a pen and notebook, then looked around. She dragged a chair from the side and sat opposite Rong Linyi.

"Young Master Yi, I'm here to interview you. This is my mission today. I know your time is precious, so let's keep this short. Firstly, thank you for accepting my interview, and secondly…"

"Interview?" Rong Linyi suddenly interrupted Su Yanyun.

He looked at Su Yanyun strangely for two seconds.

Then he smiled.

He was laughing instead of being angry!

Okay, Su Yanyun, you're good!

Forget that she ran off without a care this morning, she even came to do an interview!

Do you really love your job that much?

Is that damned job of yours really more important than me!?

Su Yanyun was not blind.