Saying The Word Love For the First Time

"Su Yanyun." Rong Linyi's voice turned cold. "I'll ask you a few questions, answer me honestly first."

Su Yanyun tried her best to ignore the warmth on her back and the pressure on her waist, and nodded weakly.

"The first question." Rong Linyi nibbled on her ear and ran his hand slowly down her waist. "I'm leaving for a month. Are you happy?"

Su Yanyun was speechless.

Isn't that nonsense?

She was very unhappy that she wouldn't be able to see her husband for a month, okay?

She pouted. "I'm not."

Rong Linyi's lips curled into a smile when he received a satisfactory answer. "Second question, will you miss me?"

"Yes." Su Yanyun bit her lip and replied softly, "I will…"

"How much?"

The redness on Su Yanyun's ears had already stained her face and neck. She yelled shyly, "Wasn't I supposed to interview you? Why are you interviewing me instead?"

Rong Linyi clutched Su Yanyun's hand tightly.