Feeling Empty

"What a coincidence." Rong Xuelong flipped through the invitation. "I'm going to the banquet the day after tomorrow night. This is their monthly banquet. It will be held in the Crystal Brilliance Club. Speaking of which… it's that guy's territory."

"That guy?" Su Yanyun was curious. "Which guy?"

She could hear the anger in Rong Xuelong's voice.

"A bastard with the surname Jiang." Rong Xuelong said slowly. "If you meet this guy, you have to stay far away. The Jiang family is no good."

One of the few female Gods of Creation from the convention was Mrs. Jiang. She was a hypocritical and crafty middle-aged woman.

In Rong Xuelong's words, this woman was selfish and narrow-minded. She was greedy for power, but her own ability could not support her ambition.

And the President of the Strategy Club happened to be Madam Rong.