Have You Given Me Face?

Jiang Chengxi smiled when he heard Madam Cheng's mediation.

His amorous eyes were smiling, but it made her feel cold for no reason.

"Madam Cheng, what a joke."

"Yes, yes, it's all a joke." Madam Cheng hurriedly echoed with a smile.

However, Jiang Chengxi changed the topic. "Am I, Jiang Chengxi, such a magnanimous person? Can those who offend me retreat unscathed?"

If it was possible, only one person could retreat unscathed.

That was Rong Linyi.

Madam Cheng's expression changed. "Young Master Xi, what do you mean by that?"

"Meaning? When Madam Cheng told my woman to kneel down in front of your niece, did you think about what that meant?" Viciousness gradually took over his amorous eyes. "What I mean is that if Cheng Tingxue dares to humiliate my woman in public, she has to kneel and apologize to her! Not only her, but everyone who dared to slander my woman has to kneel down together!"