God Still Cares For Me

"Give it to me!" She hit Jiang Chengxi arrogantly. "Give it to me! What are you keeping such a beautiful gem for? Are you planning to give it to a woman? I'm your sister. What good thing do you not want to give me, and give to a wild woman outside instead?"

In the past, if she wanted anything, as long as she worked and acted coquettishly, Jiang Chengxi would eventually do as she wished and never had the intention to go against her.

But tonight…

Tonight was destined to be a night that Jiang Yilin would never forget.

Just as she was pestering him again, Jiang Chengxi's expression suddenly changed in a second. He turned around and slapped her a second time that night.

Jiang Yilin knew very well that her brother had already sobered up.

She even had a feeling that he wasn't really drunk when he slapped her the first time tonight.

This second slap made her fall to the ground.

"You hit me again?" Jiang Yilin's voice was sharp.