No One Knew What Happened That Night

Madam Rong was shocked, and the others gasped in shock.


Rong Linyi's voice seemed to be shaking.

"Mother." He lowered his head and she could see his bent spine rising and falling with difficulty. His black hair hung weakly on his forehead, blocking his pale face and dark eyes.

"Mother, Yanyun is already married to me." He only repeated the words he had said before. "The child in her stomach is mine… mine, mine."

He didn't say anything more and didn't think about how to argue or fight for it.

No matter how much he questioned and objected, he only had one sentence: She's already married to me. Her child is mine.

He Xiaoqin covered her mouth. Jiang Yilin bit her lips tightly, as if she didn't dare to confirm even when she died that the man who bent his knees for love was the arrogant Rong Linyi.

Madam Rong seemed to be stunned.