As Long As I'm Alive

"What did you scold me?" Old Madam Rong's expression darkened.

"Old hag! Damn mistress! Old bastard who occupied the magpie's nest!"

Since she was already unable to resist, Rong Xuelong might as well scold her to her heart's content.


A tight slap landed on Rong Xuelong's face.

"You've really been spoiled rotten!" Old Madam Rong was enraged. "If I had known, I wouldn't have been so kind and let your mother take care of you. When you were born, I should have handed you over to the second branch. You wouldn't have been so crooked!"


Rong Xuelong spat at the old lady. "Go and die!"

Everyone in the Rong family knew how fierce Rong Xuelong was.

Although Old Madam Rong was enraged, she calmed down and smiled sinisterly.

"Forget it, so what if I let you talk nonsense? Anyway, you and your sister-in-law can forget about escaping today. Bring your phone to the hospital and bring that Su Yanyun over!"