Beautiful Because of My Mom's Genes

Su Yanyun opened her eyes.

She found herself lying on the cold floor.

Her last memory stopped at the moment when the handkerchief covered her mouth.

Kidnapped? She came to her senses as quickly as possible.

What followed was a chill down her spine…

Who was the woman who looked like Rong Xuelong and had the same voice as her?

Her phone number wouldn't lie. If the other party could call her with her sister's phone, it meant that her sister was also…

"Since you're awake, let's talk."

A woman's voice sounded from the side.

Su Yanyun turned around and saw a two-seater sofa not far from her.

On it sat a well-maintained middle-aged woman.

She was clearly over 50 years old, but be it her black hair or her well taken care of face, she was much younger than her peers.

She wasn't anyone she knew…