I Will Get Payback

Old Madam Rong's heart skipped a beat when she heard this cat-like cry.

"Lirong, what's wrong?"

Sun Lirong was the eldest granddaughter-in-law of the second branch. She was pregnant with twins and was the treasure of Old Madam Rong and Second Madam Rong.

Sun Lirong cried. "Grandma, save me… save me and my baby…"

Old Madam Rong was anxious and was about to ask again.

On the other end of the line, a cold voice sounded.

"Send Su Yanyun back unharmed and you can see your precious granddaughter-in-law again. Otherwise—I want the Rong family's second branch to be buried together with you!"

Old Madam Rong was shaking with anger. "Rong Linyi, how dare you!"

Rong Linyi's voice was so cold it made people shiver. "You can try. I will double whatever you put on Yanyun and Xuelong!"

"You, you're lawless…" The arrogant Old Madam Rong was already frightened." Does your grandfather know that you're so reckless? "