Guess She Won't Know Her Place

The four glasses of beer and two glasses of fruit juice the waiter brought were specially marked.

One glass of wine and one glass of fruit juice were spiked with a strong drug.

But what He Xiaoqin and the rest didn't know was that Su Yanyun had already stopped the waiter when he was spiking the drinks.

Su Yanyun pretended to be He Xiaoqin's partner and gave the waiter a diamond brooch as a tip to listen to Su Yanyun's instructions.

Not only did he rearrange the wine glasses according to her instructions, but he also added the remaining medicine to the third glass of wine.

Su Yanyun originally hoped that the four glasses of wine would contain all the drugs so that she could finally capture this group of scum and sluts.

In this matter, Sun Pengfei bore a grudge against her because of the conflict during the Welcoming Team building and deliberately tricked her to meet Su Bowang.

Tonight was also his premeditated revenge against her.