She Is The Big Boss

"Yanyun, about the money…" Su Bowang was obviously thick-skinned. He said thoughtfully, "I know you won't be able to get so much money in such a short amount of time. But doesn't your mother still have some jewelry as well? I remember that set of ice jade and that diamond necklace. If you sell them, you can also…"

"Stepfather, you also know that those things are all registered. They belong to my mother. She's still around, and I have no right to sell them on her behalf." Su Yanyun interrupted Su Bowang awkwardly. "If they could be sold, I would have sold them long ago when Mother was hospitalized."

Su Bowang obviously knew that Su Yanyun couldn't touch that batch of jewelry.

He was waiting for her to say this. He hurriedly said, "But Yanyun, isn't there still a portion of the Su Corporation's shares that's in your hands? Can you…"