Don't Even Think About It

"Accepted it?"

Su Yanyun looked amused. "Which eye of yours saw me accept it? I'm innocent. I didn't even touch the corners of the bank card. Don't talk nonsense about acceptance. I'm very afraid."

She said with her hand on her heart, looking shocked.

In the dining room opposite, Rong Linyi watched the little woman's performance and the corners of his lips curled up subconsciously.

What a little thing. He hadn't realized before that she was actually a scheming actor.

He had only brought her to watch the show today, but he didn't expect Ms. Su to become an actress herself. He swore that her actions were all spontaneous, and he didn't teach her in advance. It was all her own spontaneous performance.

Little woman… Thinking of her behavior at Old Master Rong's birthday banquet, Rong Linyi's eyes were filled with a doting smile that he didn't even notice.

The consultant saw how stubborn Su Yanyun was and didn't dare to do anything to her.