She's a Thief Who Stole Love

"Return?" Su Yanyun chuckled. "Wang family, only giving back something that you borrowed is considered returning. It's my family's property to begin with, and you want me to return it? Are you trying to blackmail me or trick me? Grandfather separated the family when he died! Do you understand that we're separated? Do you want me to invite the elders of the Su family's dam to judge? The Su family was already divided, but the younger brother still wants to take over the older brother's property?"

Wang Shuxiu had already lost her ability to fight after being scolded by Su Yanyun.

If Su Yanyun had told her about the shares and laws today, she really wouldn't know what an ignorant old woman like her would do.

Unexpectedly, Su Yanyun didn't even talk to her about this. Okay, if she wanted to talk about some old customs instead, she would accommodate her and see who was more feudal!

Wang Shuxiu saw that she wouldn't get any benefits here.