Where's the People who are Easy to Deal With?

"I don't want to make groundless claims either." Su Yanyun smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"But Rong Liu, I think you're right. The person who spread the rumors and hurt me must have controlled Wang Shuxiu through Su Menghe and Su Zhongjie. So, why these two people are staying in the hospital now is very important."

"Maybe I beat them up too badly the last time?" Rong Liu guessed. "Especially that Su Menghe. Tsk, tsk. That face of silicon gel and her fake body. Won't she have to stay in the hospital for a while before she can look like herself again?"

"Although that's the case, you also said that they haven't seen anyone else besides Wang Shuxiu since yesterday." Su Yanyun thought that Rong Liu was a little too pure-hearted despite being good at everything.

"Since no one has looked for them, besides the hospital staff, who else do you think can be used as a medium for their communication?"