Who Wants His Blood?

"We've basically investigated it cleanly."

It was important, so Rong Liu even halted the hospital's surveillance and came personally to report.

"The whole thing was planned a week ago. Usually, the person who spreads the rumors will hire a troll company to attack them. But the mastermind is clearly more careful. He hired an international top hacker."

"So we spent a lot of time investigating the address. But Young Master Yi, don't worry. Our people have already grasped the other party's whereabouts. If nothing unexpected happens, we can capture the other party before dark today. But look at the name of the person who paid…"

Rong Liu's gaze fell on the list.

He knew Young Master Yi's personality very well, but this person was still related to the Rong family.

Should he report this to the Old Master and let him appear on his behalf?

Rong Linyi placed his hand on the information sheet and slowly curled his fingers.