Name Your Price and Do It

Rong Linyi heard Rong Xuelong's question.

He replied, "I don't remember. I never care about unimportant people."

Jiang Yilin's body swayed. Suddenly, she changed from her usual gentle and pitiful image and shouted agitatedly. "Yi! Am I an unimportant person? I'm not! I'm the most important person in your life. I'm the lover who has illuminated your life. You care about me! You care about me the most!"

She was about to pounce on Rong Linyi.

However, Rong Linyi dodged her.

Jiang Yilin accidentally pounced on Mother Su's hospital bed instead.

She ignored Mother Su's shiver and turned around with tears streaming down her face. "Why… Why did your heart change? Why did you become so heartless?"

Rong Linyi didn't want to talk nonsense with her, but Su Yanyun was beside him.