Not Accepting Any Form of Reconciliation

"Can you stop talking nonsense?" Rong Xuelong raised her hand and mocked coldly. "Jiang Chengxi, you've lost! Show the attitude a loser should have."

Jiang Chengxi turned around and faced Rong Xuelong calmly. "It's okay if I lose. Anyway, you'll bury Chenglong with me, right?"

Rong Xuelong's expression turned pale.

"Get lost!" Su Yanyun hurriedly held Rong Xuelong back and glared at Jiang Chengxi.

Jiang Chengxi was not angry when he heard Su Yanyun scold him. Instead, he smiled kindly. "Okay, I'll get lost."

He took two steps and suddenly stood still. He turned around and bowed to Mother Su who was lying on the hospital bed. "Aunt Shi, long time no see. I'll come and visit another day. I wish you a speedy recovery."

Mother Su's originally pale face suddenly lost all color.

Jiang Yilin was brought down.

Downstairs, the reporters had already gathered.

Seeing Jiang Yilin and the police appear, the cameras flashed.