You Owe Me, Remember When You Have Time to Return The Favor

"Remember your words." Su Yanyun looked at Shi Fangran with no warmth in her eyes. "If I don't forgive you, you have to kneel down. I'm telling you now that I will never forgive you. You have to keep your word and not have the face to stand up!"

What a joke, how could she threaten her with just kneeling?

She really thought that she would be afraid?

That saying was right. If apologies were useful, why would the police be needed?

Furthermore, did Shi Fangran really think that she herself was wrong?

She was just deliberately doing this in front of everyone to make Su Yanyun fall into a dilemma.

If Su Yanyun said that she would forgive her, she could take the opportunity to repair their relationship and gain benefits from her. If Su Yanyun didn't forgive her, she could also take the opportunity to slander her for being unfilial.

But no matter what, Su Yanyun would be the one losing face if news of her mother kneeling before her got out.