Monkey Decides to Get Help

The man looked up and scanned the people at the table.

His final gaze fell on Rong Xuelong.

When his eyes fell, Rong Xuelong shivered for some reason.

Damn it!

This guy's eyes were even more scary than Rong Linyi's!

And this expression seemed to have seen through her soul.

"Xiurui." The man stared at Rong Xuelong. His voice was crisp but had a hint of mellow wine that made people slightly drunk. "My sister is still waiting for you to get married to her, but you brought another woman to the dining table."

Ying Xiurui frowned.

Rong Xuelong came today… Only Jiang Chenglong and Ying Fuyi knew her "identity".

Other than that, he didn't show his love for Rong Xuelong to anyone.

Could it be…

His eyes were filled with dissatisfaction and pressure as he looked at Ying Fuyi.

But when his gaze moved to Rong Xuelong, it became gentle again.