But I Don't Feel Anything For You

This blanket was very wide and could completely cover Ying Fuyi from head to toe without leaving a single gap.

She was tied up inside and couldn't move at all. She was warm, stuffy, and afraid.

She couldn't help but scream.

But Jiang Chenglong didn't soften his grip until he tied her up like a cocoon.

He got up and breathed heavily as if he was drowning and was about to die.

His wild heartbeat did not slow down. He could hear thumping sounds in his ears now, and it was the rhythm of his pulse.

Was it poison?

He took a few steps back and staggered to the door.

He might die…

If his heart continued to beat like this, his blood vessels would definitely rupture and he would die.

His eyes seemed to be on fire as the flames followed the bridge of his nose, his airway, and his heart… all the way down.

Jiang Chenglong pressed down on his protruding lower body part forcefully in a rough manner.