Does He Still Have That Ability?

Su Yanyun was speechless.

Sister, you're really thinking too much!

The two women bickered and finally fell asleep after midnight…

The next day, Su Yanyun and Rong Xuelong slept until noon.

"Ah—" Rong Xuelong yawned. "I still sleep the most soundly at home."

Su Yanyun returned to her bedroom and Rong Xuelong went to wash up.

She took a beautiful morning shower and walked out of the bathroom to see the house full of servants and suitcases.

"What is this?" She was stunned.

Aunt Chen went forward helplessly. "Missy, I'm really sorry. Young Master said that you're not suitable to stay here. Please leave now and move back to the old house. I've packed all your things for you. See if there's anything left out."

Rong Xuelong was stunned for at least two minutes before she finally came to a realization.

"Yanyun! I want to see Yanyun!" She wanted to run out immediately.