Young Master Yi, Your Mysophobia Is Cured?

The tent was brightly lit, but there was no sign of that beautiful figure.

Rong Linyi held onto his last hope that Su Yanyun was too tired and laid down.

But he unzipped the tent.

It was… empty.

"Su Yanyun!" He yelled and stood up. He took a few steps back and knocked over the bucket.

Cold water mixed with wet soil splashed on his legs.

Rong Linyi took out his phone and held a flashlight in one hand. He searched frantically in the forest as he called Jiang Tong. "Get someone to lock down the entire mountain! Lock it down immediately and find her!"

A group of unknown men in black barged into the brightly lit nightclub.

They protected an exceptionally cold man and barged into the innermost room, kicking open the door.

Women's screams sounded from the room.

Jiang Chengxi, who was sitting on the sofa in the middle, was smoking with women around him.