I'm Sorry, I'm Too Selfish

She wanted to snatch it from Jiang Chengxi.

But when she reached out, Jiang Chengxi clenched his fists and stopped showing it to her.

"Be good, Zhengzheng. When you remember everything, I'll return it to you."

He grabbed her arm to prevent her from falling down in agitation.

"Give it back to me." Su Yanyun was about to cry. "Give me back my things!"

She didn't understand why her emotions were suddenly so intense, nor did she think deeply about what this thing had to do with anything.

She was only subconsciously sure that this thing was very important to her.

It was personally embroidered by someone very important to her, and then… it was pinned to her sleeve.

"Zhengzheng, this thing fell off when you struggled to leave. I picked it up for you. I've always kept it all these years." Jiang Chengxi pressed her down. "I'm sorry… I didn't recognize you the first time I saw you. You've grown up and changed a lot…"