What She Needed To Give Was Her Sincerity

Not to mention, Rong Linyi had actually pulled Su Yanyun into Jiang Chengxi's car!

"My car has never been disinfected. I've played with women behind it before and haven't tidied it up yet." Anyway, he had already exposed his playboy nature, so Jiang Chengxi didn't have to cover it up anymore. Instead, he said this with some evil sarcasm.

As expected, Rong Linyi's hand froze.

But soon, he sat beside Su Yanyun as if nothing had happened.

"I've never seen a driver as talkative as you." He retorted calmly. "Drive."

Thus, Jiang Chengxi's expression darkened again.

Su Yanyun held her forehead. Why did she feel that these two men… had become very childish?

The estate Jiang Chengxi had arranged for Su Yanyun was not far from the mall. Although it was small, it was an expensive place.

The moment Rong Linyi appeared, Su Yanyun had been guessing if he would forcefully bring her 'home'.