Come On, You Can Definitely Do It!

He Yueze smiled. "You should have learned that water and oil react in heat in junior high, right?"

His tone was gentle, but his sarcasm was obvious.

Rong Jinghui scoffed softly. "Even I know that!"

Rong Linyi's expression darkened.

Su Yanyun immediately mediated the situation. "It's okay. This is always the case when you're cooking for the first time. My first meal made my parents cry…"

She suddenly paused as if she had thought of something.

Father and Mother… are no longer around…

"Yanyun, why don't we…" Jiang Chengxi was the most sensitive to women's emotions and immediately changed the topic.

"It's okay, you just have to learn." Su Yanyun came to her senses. "Don't you want to cook?" She looked at Rong Linyi. "Let me teach you."

"Okay." Rong Linyi's eyes swept over the people at the door calmly.

"Damn!" Jiang Chengxi spat. "Even that worked."