Even If I Die Outside...

"I've never seen such a shameless woman like you in my life!"

Rong Jinghui pointed at Su Yanyun and was about to jump up. "How do you have the face to say that you're a beautiful mother? Whoa! What a joke."

Su Yanyun regained her composure under Rong Jinghui's vicious tongue.

"Childish!" She rolled her eyes.

"Who are you talking about?" Rong Jinghui looked as if he was about to hit someone.

But He Yueze quickly stopped him.

"Stop fooling around! Yanyun is more than seven months pregnant, don't be stubborn." He warned.

"Look! Am I wrong to say that she's pampered and fierce?" Rong Jinghui really refused to let go.

"Enough." He Yueze was about to faint from Rong Jinghui's antics. He pushed Rong Jinghui back to the sofa. "I beg you to stop!"

He Yueze was not a man with a strong aura, but his crisp berating actually worked.

At least until nighttime, Rong Jinghui didn't make a fuss anymore.