His Chest Is Still Warm

Su Yanyun finally understood why this show was happening today.

After all this time, this family was here to scam them!

"I don't care. You've caused my son to be like this." First Aunt pulled Du Mengmeng and Su Yanyun away. "You have to be responsible for this! You have to pay for my son's medical fees!"

Not only Su Yanyun, even the police officers were completely speechless.

"Sister-in-law, be reasonable." The police officer expressed that he had to be a civilized person and definitely couldn't scold others easily. "So many of us here are watching with our eyes. This lady only hugged your son once, so how could she have caused your son to be like this? In other words, we also hugged your son, so did we also cause your son to be like this?"

"They did it before!" First Aunt was determined to scam them. "Everything was fine when my son was just carried over. It was just them. They touched him and he ended up like this. My poor child…"