What's Wrong With Love?

"I finally know!"

Second Madam Rong walked in front of Madam Rong and Rong Linyi.

"Lirong told me everything! Why did she fall and why the children were born prematurely!"

Her eyes widened.

"Okay, that's really good. You mother and son have such a big secret. Hua Sixuan, I respected you as my sister, but who knew that you would actually do such a thing! Brother is still lying in bed! He's still half-dead and hanging on to his life! You brought that jinx An Muhui to the Rong family in the past and caused such a big thing to happen to the Rong family. Now that you've brought Su Yanyun in, are you actually a spy from the An family?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Rong Xuelong couldn't stand Second Madam Rong scolding her mother like this and immediately stood up.

However, the Old Master had already spoken.

"Second daughter-in-law, what nonsense are you talking about? Speak nicely! Don't be strange!"