Looking For A great-granddaughter

"Oh right, Yanyun is giving birth in less than a month, right?" The Old Master was still most concerned about his great-grandsons. "Have you booked the hospital and everything?"

"You don't have to worry about this Father." Madam Rong replied on behalf of Rong Linyi and Su Yanyun. "Not only the hospital, but the medical team for the baby's delivery has also been prepared long ago. The nursing room and playroom have also been renovated. Oh right, Linyi also said that he wants to build a playground for the babies."

"Is your small Lin River Courtyard enough to be renovated into a playground?" The Old Master asked Rong Linyi. "If it's not, I remember there's still an empty space in the north that hasn't been developed. Let's use it to create a playground."

"No need for that. I still have some spare land." Rong Linyi's voice was clearly distant.