Tell Me Who Did It First

"Ah!" Second Madam Rong was caught off guard and was blocked by Rong Linyi who suddenly appeared. She was pushed back by the counterforce and fell onto one of the housemaids.

The nanny hugged the child and almost let go. The baby in her arms also cried loudly.

"Okay!" Sun Lirong was crazy and didn't dare to fight Su Yanyun face-to-face, but she dared to challenge Rong Linyi. "You actually dared to hit an elder and bully my baby! You have the ability! If you have the guts, hit me too!"

She probably thought that Rong Linyi didn't dare to touch women and pounced on him arrogantly because she had given two great-grandchildren to the Rong family.

She raised her hand and grabbed Rong Linyi's face.

But she had probably forgotten that Rong Linyi was a serious cleanliness freak.