What Seduction Drug Did I Give You?

"Don't make such a dream." Compared to his gentle appearance in the past, Liang Shangqing had been very thin recently. His cheeks and eye sockets were sunken. "My people don't dare to act rashly either. There are more than twenty people in the medical team. If they act rashly, nothing will happen. You have to know how much Rong Linyi treasures that woman."

"Can't we secretly drug her and let her flare up suddenly? Didn't they say that Linyi will have a social gathering tonight? He won't even be by Su Yanyun's side. Let her flare up in advance and do some small actions to let Rong Linyi know the news later. The cruise ship is so big… As long as we have enough time, we can carry one away…"

He Xiaoqin lowered her voice. "We don't have much time left…"

Liang Shangqing was about to answer when his eyes fell on two women not far away.

No, to be exact, it fell on a young woman in a white dress.